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On this show, we tackle questions about living a good and useful life through the lens of Swedenborgian Christianity. Host and minister Pearse Frazier and guests will discuss cosmic question like: Who is God? What is love? Why should we be useful to our neighbor? How does one become a better person?

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Apple Podcasts


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The Mysteries of Faith show is a thought-provoking exploration of religion and life from a Swedenborgian Christian perspective. Hosted by Rev Pearse Frazier, the show delves into spiritual topics chapter by chapter through You Can Believe: An Introduction to New Christianity with the author, Rev Grant Schnarr. Each episode tackles fundamental questions of faith, God’s nature, divine providence, and the human journey of spiritual growth. With a balance of theological depth and practical insights, the show invites seekers to rethink traditional religious narratives and discover a rational, love-centered approach to Christianity.

“Loving one’s neighbor is doing what is good, fair, and right in every task and in every function.” (NJHD)

New episodes available biweekly