Daily Christmas Readings

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Each daily email in this program features a scriptural passage from the Christmas story, followed by readings touching on some aspect of the passage. At the end of the readings for each day is a set of reflections, together with some questions for consideration. There are twenty-six readings in all, designed to carry you from December 1st through Christmas day, with one extra reading for the day after, looking forward into the new year.

One of the most powerful facets of the Christmas story is its unpretentious simplicity. We know that the God of heaven and earth could have chosen to be born wherever He wanted, and in whatever surroundings He decided. And yet He elected to be born in the most humble of circumstances, surrounded, for the most part, by the common folk of the day. Yes, He was attended by kings from the East, but the fact that He was born in a stable, cared for by a carpenter and his wife, and visited by shepherds, attests to the fact that the things of this world are not most important; rather, this story is about the supremacy of the spirit.

This year’s readings are gathered around the theme of humility. Humility is the quality of spiritual life that most allows the Lord to do what He came on earth to do for us, and that is, to lift us up in spirit and bless us with heavenly states of mind, heart, and life, as He leads us onward toward heaven.

This year’s final reading compares the Word of God to a treasure chest filled with precious jewels. Truly there are many facets of spiritual life that shine forth from the familiar stories of Scripture, and sparkle with meaning for our lives. One of our hopes is that you will discover some of these jewels within this year’s set of readings, particularly as they relate to the theme of humility.

New Church groups typically involve an opening prayer, reflection, discussion, and the sharing of thoughts and ideas from participants. No prior experience is required and all are welcome, although typically groups are for adults (18+) unless otherwise specified.

These groups will meet once a week for 4 weeks, at the same day and time each week. Groups usually use Zoom, but your group leader will contact you with specific login information for their group meetings. The topic this year is trust, confidence, and strength in the Lord.

Fill Out the Form Below to Register

Be sure to choose the particular group you'd like to join.

Form coming soon, once the groups are finalized.

“The daily readings have become an integral part of our Christmas season. They
help us to focus on the Lord's birth and its broader meaning amidst an array of
potential distractions.”

“Every day the readings were easy to read, very applicable and didn’t leaving me
feeling like I had to journal for hours. We need joy and these readings provided

“I looked forward to receiving them everyday, they were inspirational and very
reflective. I actually miss receiving them presently.”

“I enjoyed the Christmas readings, it was like a pocket bible study “

“The daily readings are uplifting, comforting, and make the Christmas story come

“I loved them! They were just what I needed. Not too long. The readings from the
Word were precious and the explanations from the Writings were right on! Loved
the tasks suggested as well. Thank You!"

“Just as in past years, I found the readings to be a great help in mindfully preparing
for the coming events and celebrations, putting my focus, daily, on the real "reason
for the season". It was also a wonderful way of being able to do a daily reading from
the Word if I wasn't able to do anything more that that.”

“All about love and peace.”

“the readings and reflections really added to the sense of celebration, of the
significance of the Christmas season—the Lord’s birth in our hearts and minds.
Thank you for offering them.”

“I really appreciated the richness and depth of the commentaries and reflection
questions that accompanied each piece of Scripture.”

“Bible + Writings + a reflection = a deep, digestible, soul-nourishing bite of Spiritual
food to start my days. Thank you.“

“I love the daily readings. They help to put a focus on the season that doesn’t
involve craziness.”

“These readings enrich my Christmas celebrations by keeping me in touch with
others. They brighten each day of the Advent season with the Word. They are an
essential help for the homebound.”

“Really liked getting these. Just the right balance of readings and thoughts for
practical application.”

“Best selections ever. I need these readings.”

Reflect on the Powerful Reality of the Lord’s Birth into Our World.

We hope that these readings help you experience hope, humility, and peace this Christmas season.