Plan Your Visit to Oak Arbor Church

We'd love to meet you!

Help us plan your visit

    Help us plan your visit

      Connect with us, and we can help you plan a visit here. We have services every Sunday at 10:30am.

      We are located at 495 Oak Arbor Circle West, Rochester, MI 48306

      The first part of the service is for the whole family; with songs, prayers, and a talk for the children. After the children's talk, parents take their children to the nursery or to Sunday School. The second portion of the service is aimed at adults. We offer:

      • Clear messages that inspire positive change.
      • Practical applications to daily life.
      • A blend of contemporary and traditional worship styles and music.

      After worship, we gather in the Foyer and Cafe hall to share fellowship and enjoy refreshments. Everyone is invited to join this gathering.

      Of course, you're welcome to show up any Sunday without any advance warning, and we'll be happy to see you. But contacting us via the form above can help make your visit even more enjoyable!


      A Greeter will be there to meet you, hand you a welcome packet, and answer any questions you may have.

      Coffee and Conversation:

      Feel free to help yourself to a cup of coffee, chat with others in the foyer prior to the service, or check out some of the selections in the Book Room.

      Enter the Sanctuary:

      A few minutes before the service, people will move from the foyer into the sanctuary. An usher will hand you a bulletin describing the details of that day’s worship service.

      Our building is ADA-compliant

      There are no steps from our main entrance into the church, or into the main bathrooms.

      A Blended Format

      We have a wide span of ages and tastes in our congregation and have blended traditional and contemporary styles of worship and music so that all may feel welcome and comfortable in our services.

      Families worshiping together is very important to us. Our service includes family worship with a talk for children followed by a talk for adults. During the adult talk, children are invited to attend Nursery or Sunday School.


      Oak Arbor does not “pass the plate.” If you wish to make a free-will offering, place it in the bowl as you enter the Sanctuary.


      There is no pre-established seating order. Sit wherever you are comfortable.

      Service Format:

      You will notice that everyone is quiet in order to allow for a sense of peace and reflection. Please silence cell phones.

      After the Service:

      After the service, parents pick up their children from Sunday School and everyone gathers for coffee, snacks, visiting, and any announcements. You are welcome to join us in fellowship after the service.

      “Loving one’s neighbor is doing what is good, fair, and right in every task and in every function.” (New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine)

      We look forward to seeing you and getting to know you!