Baptism and Confirmation

What Is Baptism?

Baptism is an introduction into the life and instruction of the New Church. Parents who baptize their infants are promising the Lord that they will try to raise and educate their child the best they can with the ideals in His Word. For those who choose to get baptized as adults, it is a personal commitment and willingness to be led by the Lord’s truth. The baptism service can take place in a small private service with just a minister or as part of a Sunday service including the community.

Baptism Is a Starting Point.

Baptism does not mean that you have learned everything about the New Church, or even that you agree with everything you have heard. It simply means you believe the basics: the Lord Jesus Christ is the one God, a person is meant to live according to the Lord’s teachings in order to grow towards heaven, and that the Old and New Testaments, as well as Swedenborg's Writings, are a revelation from the Lord. If you can answer affirmatively to each of these points, you are ready!

Why Be Baptized?

Although baptism is not necessary to take part in worship or the Holy Supper, it does initiate a powerful internal shift. Taking a stand about your beliefs for yourself or on behalf of your child changes how you view life, and it ripples out into everything you do. Your spirit, which lives in your body, exists on a spiritual plane with other spirits; baptism actually causes your spirit to be present with other like-minded spirits.

Adults (20 years and up) who have been baptized are welcome to apply for membership into the General Church and into their local society.

What Is Confirmation?

If you were baptized as a child and wish to reaffirm your commitment to living a God-centered life, a confirmation service provides the opportunity to turn your childhood faith into an adult commitment. It symbolizes that you are taking charge of your own spiritual life. It is also an opportunity to define your personal beliefs. Should you wish, you can compose a belief statement to read during a private confirmation service or in front of a Sunday congregation.

Talk to a Pastor

If you or a family member would like to be baptized or confirmed, please contact us , and a pastor will reach out to you.

Daily Inspiration

"Forms of hatred and forms of caring cannot coexist."

New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teachings 106