Structure and Leadership

The General Church of the New Jerusalem, usually referred to simply as the "General Church" or the "New Church," is the legal name for our church organization.

The General Church exists to provide for the worship of the Lord Jesus Christ, the spreading of the truths of the New Church throughout the world, the promotion of a useful life of service to others, and the treatment of others with care and wisdom. Its headquarters are located in Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania, USA which is home to the Bryn Athyn Cathedral.

The Executive Bishop governs the organized Church with the help of an Assistant Bishop. The Bishop also takes counsel with various clergy and lay boards and committees. A lay Board of Directors gives leadership in the business, financial and legal affairs of the church. A goal is to provide for the freedom of the clergy and the laity as they work together.

Mission Statement Goals for Leadership

The General Church as an organization strives to fulfill the following as the first steps toward accomplishing the mission:

  • Provide effective general leadership through an organization under episcopal government.
  • Provide an effective priesthood.
  • Effectively involve members and friends in the uses of the Church.
  • Support the continuing translation and publication of the teachings of the New Church.
  • Maintain and expand a strong financial base for the present and future needs of the Church.
  • Provide appropriate financial, career, and emotional support for employees and volunteers.
  • Develop, maintain, and provide effective communications throughout the Church.

Order and Organization

The Order and Organization pdf is a statement of the organization of The General Church of the New Jerusalem (also referred to as the General Church, or simply the Church), by the Executive Bishop in consultation with his Consistory and his administrative heads.


Information about the organization's bylaws is available to members by request. You may contact

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors manages the business, financial, and legal affairs of the General Church. These functions are administered by lay people with the Executive Bishop serving as the President of the organization as well as the chair of the Board.

The Board of Directors are elected from the lay membership of the General Church.  Each Director serves for a term of three years, and can be re-elected to a second and a third term.  The numbers after their names indicate in which term they are currently serving.

You may contact the Board via email through the General Church Secretary of the Corporation at . But this email is not the only way of contacting the Board! Directors welcome one on one conversations about General Church uses, particularly within their oversight of budgets, governance, strategic activities and high level decision-making.

Terms Expire 2025

  • Bau-Madsen, Darren (2)
  • Bostock, Craig (1)
  • Brock, Beth (3)
  • Brown, Rhett (1)
  • Cole, Jesse (2)
  • Gyllenhaal, Charlotte  (2)
  • Hasen, Kirk  (3)
  • Heinrichs, Grant (1)
  • Pitcairn, Torrance (1)
  • Radcliffe, David (3)

Terms Expire 2026

  • Baltz, Annette (1)
  • Clay, Greg (1)
  • Ebert, Chuck (3)
  • Heinrichs, Robert  (1)
  • Hyatt, Keith (1)
  • King, Ethan (3)
  • McQueen, Catherine (1)
  • Odhner, Erik (1)
  • Niall, Kelly (1)

Terms Expire 2027

  • Berridge, John (2)
  • Busby, Erin (1)
  • Elphick, Stephen (1)
  • Horigan, Barbara (2)
  • Johnson, Rene (3)
  • Carswell, Brynna (2)
  • Synnestvedt, Shawn (1)
  • Uber, James (3)
  • Wadsworth, Wayne (3)
  • Tanya Woker (2)


  • Rt. Rev. Peter Buss Jr. (Executive Bishop), President
  • Rt. Rev. Bradley Heinrichs, Vice President
  • Rt. Rev. David Lindrooth, Vice President
  • David Frazier, CAO and Treasurer

Daily Inspiration

"The Lord does not differentiate religious movements by their doctrine, either, but by the way their members live what is taught."

Arcana Coelestia 1799.3