New Church Groups

Bringing people together for spiritual connection and community.

There’s something deeply satisfying and fulfilling about building spiritual relationships with the Lord, the Word, and with each other in person or through a live online presence. Gain understanding and empathy. Get closer to the heart and soul. Feel recharged and renewed.

Join a Group

Check out the groups listed here. Most are online (via Zoom). A few are in-person only. For details about a group and its leader, contact us at groups@newchurch.orgAlso, would you like to have your group listed here? Let us know!

Monday Groups

Young Adults Group

Led by Jacob Olsen | Mondays 7:30 pm ET | Online

This group meets on Discord to discuss the "topic of the day," which is anything of interest that the group would like to chat about on that given Monday. To learn more or attend a meeting, send an email to

Tuesday Groups

On the Divine Love

Led by Grant Odhner | Oct 15th & 29th, continuing twice monthly 7:30 pm GMT+1 | Online

This class will be a reading group on two short works that Swedenborg wrote: On the Divine Love and On the Divine Wisdom. He wrote these sometime around 1762-1763, but never published them. A short time later he published the work "Angelic Wisdom regarding the Divine Love and Wisdom." Though there is some similar material in the two, they are also quite different. The published work is more narrowly and systematically focused on God and the order and structure of creation, whereas the posthumous works have more to say about human beings’ response to God. On the Divine Love treats of Love’s engagement through “use” and the implications of this for human beings’ response. On the Divine Wisdom treats of the formation of human being’s faculties, and of human beings’ response in charity, faith and life. In short, the posthumous works are broader in scope, and bear more on the practical aspects of human life. I find these works very interesting and delightful. This class will be an opportunity to engage with others in topics that really connect us with the Lord and with the life He invites us to. To access the readings or join the next class, please send an email (to

Wednesday Groups

Bible Rediscovery

Led by Rev Erik Buss | Once a month Wednesdays at 7 pm GMT+1 | Online

Each month we explore a chapter of Scripture. We look at the literal meaning and what we can get from it, and we do a dive into the inner meaning described in the works of Emanuel Swedenborg. We would love for you to join us on Zoom for this monthly meeting! About the leader: Erik Buss is pastor of Colchester New Church and national pastor of the New Church in the UK. He is married with 5 children and 10 grandchildren. With questions or to learn more, contact us at

Bible Study Class

Led by Rev Jared Buss | 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 10 am ET | In person at 7113 Reynolds Street, Pittsburgh

This class is simply about gathering to read the Word together, and pausing to discuss and reflect on its meaning and application to our lives. Currently we’re reading and discussing the gospel of Mark, with the goal of learning how to live a heavenly life. To join the group or learn more, contact Rev Jared at

Book Study of Divine Providence

Led by Rev's Mike Gladish and Derek Elphick | Every other Wednesday 4-5 PM EST | In person in the D-Wing Lounge of Cairnwood Village, Bryn Athyn, PA
We are reading the whole book of Divine Providence, written by Emanuel Swedenborg, in segments of 15 to 30 pages or so per class. Reverends Mike and Derek alternate classes as schedules permit, giving leadership and commentary, and inviting discussion. Classes began September 4th and continue, every other week, until June 25th. Newcomers welcome, regardless of having completed the reading. Contact for the class schedule or other details.

Dad's Group

Led by Rev. Malcolm Smith | One Wednesday a month, multiple meeting times | In person in Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania

Want to be more intentional in the way you approach being a dad? Want to have the chance to get to know some other dads? Want to be exposed to different ideas about parenthood and have the chance to discuss them? How do you make all these things happen in one magical place? Dads Group. This group meets monthly on a Wednesday, with two sections. There is a 6:45 am meeting at the Bryn Athyn Scout Building and a 7:30 pm meeting at the Bryn Athyn Church School Library. Walk-ins welcome. Please visit to learn more, or email

Read, Share, Pray

Led by Nathan and Elise Gladish | Wednesdays 8 pm ET | Online

This one-hour weekly group experience is an opportunity to get to know the Lord's Word and one another better by exploring what the Lord teaches us and praying for help in applying what we learn to our daily lives. Read the Word and the works of Swedenborg, share insights with each other, and pray for help to do the Lord's will. Contact us to learn more by sending this email to, or join on Zoom.

That Was Then, This is Now - Caring for our Elderly Parents

Led by Nina Cooper Dewees | 2nd Wednesdays 7:15 pm ET | Online

After helping to care for her own mom in the final years of her life, Nina realized how significant and challenging this chapter of life can be for caregivers. This group supports those caring for their aging parents by creating a space to check-in, share experiences, and discuss various topics. Send this email to to get in touch with Nina, and she will add you to the reminder email list and give you the zoom link

Thursday Groups

Becoming: A Women's Support Group

Led by Charlotte Gyllenhaal | Thursdays 8 pm ET | Online

We are constantly growing, changing, evolving - becoming. Join us as we explore the process together! This group is currently full. If you are interested in joining a waitlist, email us (at

Discussing Swedenborg

Led by John Odhner and Mary Valentine | Thursdays 7:30 pm ET | Online

Have you found value in Swedenborg's books and their approach to God, heaven, the Bible, and spiritual life? This group is for you! We discuss passages from the Bible and Swedenborg, and invite everyone to share their own perspectives, questions, or insights. The meeting generally lasts two hours, but you are welcome to join for any portion of that time. Email or join on Zoom.

Reading the Gospels

Led by Rev. Andy Dibb | Thursdays 7:30 pm ET | Online

Join Andy Dibb on a walk through the gospels! All are welcome, so grab your Bible and come along as we read and discuss the New Testament. See you there! Join on Zoom or reach out to Andy at

Swedenborg Book Study

Led by Nathan Gladish | Twice monthly on Thursdays 8 pm ET | Online

Join us to study books by Emanuel Swedenborg and learn from each other's thoughtful questions and comments. We follow a schedule of readings for each meeting. Pastor Nathan Gladish hosts this open-ended discussion with lots of participation. We welcome anyone with an interest in this amazing theological approach. For more information or a schedule of readings and meeting dates, contact Nathan at To join the Zoom call, click here.

Available Upon Request

Begin a New Life

Led by Mark Pendleton | Group forms on as-needed basis | Online

Begin a New Life is a universal, spiritual program that helps you make and sustain any life change you want or need to make, one change at a time. It doesn’t matter how big or small the change is, this program can help. As you go through the BNL process for different life-related issues, your life is steadily, noticeably, even remarkably transformed. You grow in personal clarity and power to choose, and you rise to new levels of hope and promise that are meaningful and lasting. This is an on-demand group which forms when there is a call for it. Once a group begins, it is a closed group for six to eight weeks. If you are interested please reach out to Mark at

Form a Group

"We are not born to live for ourselves but to live for others." (Emanuel Swedenborg, True Christianity 406)

By forming a small group, you benefit from connecting with others who share your values and concerns, and more importantly, you are able to offer support to others who are going through the same difficulties as you. We would love to offer you support, resources, and mentoring. Let's talk! We would love to know how to contact you and what kind of group you might start. Send us an email (to or call (267) 508-2124. 

For more ideas about how to start a group or what kind of group to start check out these resources.

Learn About Groups

We would love to support you in learning more about groups. Check out the explanations below and then let's talk! Send us an email (to or call (267) 508-2124. 

More About Groups

Our Goals

  • Help people find the Lord in community with others. Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)
  • Help people experience spiritual life in relationship with others: “All the life a person has comes from the Lord by way of communities.” (Emanuel Swedenborg, Arcana Coelestia 8794)
  • Help make heavenly community a part of practical, everyday life.
  • Whether you recently learned about the New Church or you are already involved in a congregation, we hope participating in New Church groups will bring you added blessings.

What We Do

  • Help you find or create a New Church group that fits your spiritual interests and needs, because we believe the world needs more spiritually oriented community-building groups.
  • Provide guidance and support to help leaders and groups succeed in their goals. Our simple, powerful methods of building community in groups are based on decades of experience by collaborative leaders.
  • Offer web-based resources as well as personalized leadership training and mentoring. We share time-tested recommendations that encourage and empower people to find or create spiritual community in groups.


What are groups?

A group is a set of about 3-12 people with a shared interest in the New Church. Groups are people getting together for spiritual connection and community, encouraging meaningful relationships with the Lord, the Word, and each other. Activities include prayer, study, reflection, and discussion. Members often collaborate to choose content, meeting times and venues, and other details.

What’s in it for me?

Feel included, inspired, and loved!

Get to know yourself better and make new friends. Improve and deepen your relationship with the Lord and the Word. Experience a healthy, interactive environment for spiritual growth. Make time for important reflection and contemplation. Learn and practice skills of listening and sharing. You may even find that being in a group complements and strengthens your experience of worship, education, and service in other settings.

Who can lead a group?

Facilitation (group leadership) is open to anyone with a basic level of training, which the Office of Outreach offers. Facilitators can be laypeople or ministers, but do not need to be experts in the selected content. Important qualities are willingness to be led by the Lord and willingness to serve the group’s best interests. A co-facilitator is also very helpful, especially when the facilitator is unavailable.

What about content?

Choosing content to explore and discuss is up to the interests of the group. Some groups are more intellectually oriented. Others emphasize more heartfelt sharing. Some put extra attention on usefulness and service. You can find many resources on New Church Books

Where & when do groups meet?

Groups can meet in person, online, or hybrid. Online groups are popular and effective! In-person and hybrid groups benefit from a host who provides a suitable meeting environment. Scheduling and regularity of meetings varies by the group’s preferences. Some groups only meet several times or seasonally. Others meet weekly, every 2 weeks, monthly, or quarterly. Length of meetings is often 60-90 minutes.

How do groups run?

Our suggested meeting format includes an opening welcome, brief prayer or meditation, check-in, content exploration and discussion, closing thoughts, and the Lord’s prayer.

Some groups invite members to take turns with different features of the meeting such as offering a prayer, leading a meditation, timekeeping, or introducing a topic for discussion.

Each group agrees together on guidelines for their meetings. For example: be fully present, listen attentively, only one person speaks at a time, allow everyone time to speak, and avoid cross-talk, etc.

What groups aren’t

Groups may include deep dives into theology and spiritual growth, but they are not simply presentations, lectures, or educational courses. Members may offer compassion, support, and community through good times and bad, but groups are not therapy sessions. Participants may feel motivated to live their beliefs and values beyond the group, but groups are not committees or service activities on their own.

What’s expected of me?

Important qualities to foster include a positive attitude, an open mind and heart, a willingness to be led by the Lord, and a desire to share and learn through good communication.

Daily Inspiration

"All religion is of life, and the life of religion is to do good."

Life 1