Spiritual Growth Programs

How does a person grow closer to the Lord? How does one become more spiritual?

It's about spiritual transformation or spiritual formation, and it's an important aspect of becoming more content and peaceful. We offer content and programs that you can use in your walk with God to grow closer to Him.

New Church “Journey Programs” (spiritual growth programs) provide an opportunity for personal growth and spiritual transformation. They focus on a story or theme from the Bible, with insights and opportunities for reflection on concrete life application, on how we can apply the stories to our lives and our individual spiritual journeys. These programs are great for individual study and growth, and they're free! You can participate in one of the programs individually by subscribing to receive daily emails which contain the readings, insights, and opportunities for reflection on the topic. Or you can use this content as the basis for small group meetings. The programs generally run from four to seven weeks, and you may unsubscribe at any time. We recommend registering for only one at a time, in order to get the greatest benefit out of the programs.

Daily Inspiration

"Forms of hatred and forms of caring cannot coexist."

New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teachings 106