Love Over Ego

Access your higher nature in challenging times.

Being confident does not mean being cocky. Being humble does not mean being weak, or full of shame. True confidence and humility come from a place of knowing your worth, feeling grateful, and wanting to be useful.

Love Over Ego follows the biblical story of Daniel from his early days as a child captive in Babylon, to becoming one of the most respected leaders of the nation. Throughout each chapter, we witness the clash between the ego of the Babylonian rulers and the humble confidence of Daniel and his friends. The story offers a rich narrative for exploring questions such as: What is the difference between arrogance and genuine confidence? What is our true identity?

As Daniel and his friends boldly face the powerful Babylonian rulers, we glimpse ways that vanity, manipulation and desire to control never hold up to the grounding power of confidence, love and true self-worth.

These themes are as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago.

In times like these, we as members of the human race can learn to rise above petty issues, put aside differences and simply help one another, remembering our shared humanity.

For times when we find ourselves getting lost again in a self-focused mindset, Love Over Ego challenges us to remember what matters most. Like Daniel who stands amid lions, and his friends stand in the middle of fire, we also have the option to stand true to our values even in hard times. We invite you to join us in this program, as we practice letting genuine love take priority in our lives.

This is an opportunity to access your higher nature, even in challenging times. You can start your own exploration at any time, with our free 5 week email program, with readings, insights, and opportunities for reflection. Or start your own small group in your church or community, using the Love Over Ego workbook and related resources.

Read more details about the program and the weekly content

Weekly topics

Love Over Ego book cover
Each of the five weeks explores a communication task drawn from the parable:

  • Week 1: True Identity - Choosing to respond from our higher nature, rather than from ego.
  • Week 2: Intention Over Expectation - Coming to a situation with a desire to love and serve, rather than expecting to be served.
  • Week 3: Confidence Over Arrogance - Staying centered and present, even in highly charged situations.
  • Week 4: Humility Over Shame - Accepting that we are imperfect, and learning from our mistakes.
  • Week 5: Contentment Over Materialism - Appreciating this moment, instead of constantly seeking "more."
  • Week 6: Love Wins (Wrap-up) - Navigating hard times with prayer, and belief that God's love is the most powerful force.

Register for the Program

Please enter your name and your email address to begin receiving daily emails for the "Love Over Ego" program. Daily emails will provide content each day for you to explore (you may unsubscribe at any time, if you choose). After submitting your email address, you will be sent an email asking you to confirm that you want to participate. Once you have confirmed, the program emails will begin the following day.

Optional Small Groups

A small group is a gathering of people who commit to meet on a weekly basis to explore their faith and support each other in applying that faith to life. Small groups usually include prayer, a time for checking in, and discussions or related activities.

Start your own small group in your church or with your friends! It’s easy with the step-by-step Love Over Ego workbook, which includes instructions for small group leaders and participants alike.

Questions? Contact us by email at

Daily Inspiration

"Loving the Lord and our neighbor is being of service."

Heaven and Hell 112