Creation from within

Sometimes life feels empty. Sometimes life feels full beyond comfort. Sometimes I feel inner calm. Other times I long for it.

In this issue we explore practices, action, behavior, steps you can take to open to a new level of creation within you. In some ways this sounds (and is) extraordinary. In other ways, it is the most simple, obvious steps.

Do you ever find yourself longing for more peace? Longing for a more simple life? For answers? For hope? Do you long for perspective? Direction? acceptance? vitality? rest? These very themes we explore in this issue.

We hope that you will join the conversation in a small group (online or in person) or on facebook.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

Bronwen BMK
  Managing Editor & Creative Director

Daily Inspiration

"To the extent that we turn our backs on evil deeds we are with the Lord and in the Lord; and to the extent that we are in the Lord the good deeds we do come not from ourselves but from the Lord."

Doctrine of Life 21