Gathering in community

Hello friends! You might have noticed that New Church Connection has been on hiatus for the last year. We’re excited to be back with a fresh new look, while keeping our standard of helpful relevant articles about life and faith.

In this issue “Gathering in Community,” we focus the importance of fellowship and sharing our individual stories, struggles, and celebrations with one another. When we can take the time to experience true moments of connection with other people, we are opening ourselves up to something bigger. When we can offer our journey with others, we help show each other that no one is alone.

And it’s in these times of friendship that I personally feel God’s presence the most tangibly in my life.

Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, there I am.” (Matthew 18:20).

michelle-chapinMichelle Chapin
Associate Editor

Daily Inspiration

"To the extent that we turn our backs on evil deeds we are with the Lord and in the Lord; and to the extent that we are in the Lord the good deeds we do come not from ourselves but from the Lord."

Doctrine of Life 21