Daily Easter Readings

Experience the true meaning of Easter! During the Easter season we celebrate the Lord's gift of renewed life. Receive daily readings from scripture starting March 3 and extending through Easter Sunday.

Each daily email in this program features a Bible passage from the Easter story, followed by readings touching on some aspect of the passage. At the end of the readings for each day is a set of reflections, together with some questions for consideration. We offer these readings as an aid to your personal reflection on the story of the Lord's life, death, and resurrection. 

Interested in joining an online discussion group? Groups provide a space to share thoughts and insights from these readings with others. If you want to join a group or learn more, select the option in the form below and we will reach out to you.

Please note: Easter Readings are processed separately from the Christmas Readings and require their own subscription.

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After submitting your email address below, you’ll receive an email asking you to confirm that you want to participate. Once you have confirmed, your subscription is complete.

Would you like to be involved in an online discussion about these Readings?

We offer several weekly online discussion groups for those who would like to go deeper into the Readings, in an environment with other people.

Daily Inspiration

"All religion is of life, and the life of religion is to do good."

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