Text or Printed Sermons

We know that many people would like to have sermons in a printable format. To meet this need, we have made a subset of our sermons available as PDF files for you to use. These sermons cover a variety of topics, and are available in the following categories:

The Lord
Spiritual journey, and temptation
Healing, helping
Cooperating with the Lord
Stories in the Bible
Inner states, or qualities

We have hundreds more printable sermons, along with other resources for school, home, and worship, on our New Church Vineyard website at www.newchurchvineyard.org. You can narrow your search there by various filters (topic, Bible reference, targeted age, etc.)

Daily Inspiration

"To the extent that we turn our backs on evil deeds we are with the Lord and in the Lord; and to the extent that we are in the Lord the good deeds we do come not from ourselves but from the Lord."

Doctrine of Life 21