This bestselling author and renowned heart surgeon found inspiration for his family life and medical practice through the ideas of scientist and theologian Emanuel Swedenborg.
Small group study: You Can Believe!
Utilize this small group outline as structure for small group study. This month we focus on “You Can Believe!”, an introduction into a New Christianity.
Participate in a New Christianity
Here are three ways to make the beautiful promises of the New Church a reality.
What is the New Church?
New Church teachings paint a beautiful picture of the Lord’s presence on earth with all people. Here is a selection of passages that explain this vision.
What’s new about the New Church?
What new perspectives are present in the New Church?
A church for the world
Is the New Church a universal religion, accepting all faiths? The Rev. Jeremy Simons suggests that all people can be saved if they live according to the laws of heaven and that the New Church has something special to offer the world.
How many baptisms does a person need?
Dr. Sylvia Montgomery Shaw has been baptized three times. Why do the teachings of the New Church mean so much to her?
Prophecies of the apocalypse
Is the end of the world coming? Does God only save 144,000, as the book of Revelation seems to imply?
New Christianity
God came to earth as Jesus Christ Christianity was established in response to the Savior’s Coming. At the time of Jesus’ birth, hell had gained such power over earth that the prevailing mindset was one of evil. Humanity was in great danger. Through His life and death on earth, Jesus restored the freedom to choose […]