Pause: make space for God


My grandfather once compared breathing to God’s desire to be present in my life. As a self-centered teenager I may not have shown interest at the time, but his words had a lasting impression. He told me I was not ‘taking a breath,’ but rather that as I expand my lungs, the air instantly flows in. It’s the same with God’s presence: it isn’t that I bring Him into my life; I create a space in my life for His love and His wisdom to pour in without hesitation.

This issue of New Church Connection features the latest Journey Program, devoted to the idea my grandfather was trying to convey: making a place in our lives for God’s presence. This issue and the upcoming Journey Program challenge us to make space for God and to examine any barriers that prevent us from doing so. I believe making the effort will yield results in your life—sometimes subtle, sometimes enormous, and always beautiful.

Managing Editor
& Creative Director

Daily Inspiration

"God cannot turn away from us or even look at us with a frown."

True Christianity 56