Breaking free from addiction


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Recently, I attended a workshop offered by counselor Rev. Mark Carlson. During his talk, Rev. Carlson briefly defined addiction as "an external solution to an internal problem." What a perfect definition for a big, tangled issue.

Under this definition, we're all prone to addiction. When we experience internal chaos, an external object can seem like the easiest means of regaining control over our lives. Of course, addictions vary in nature and severity. Whether the object is drugs, food, love, or another fixation, an addiction can have negative effects on our health, our work, and our relationships.

This issue offers support for those dealing with addiction, be it their own or another's. It's a powerful one because it touches on some dark and painful places. I hope you'll come away feeling uplifted

Taryn Frazier

Daily Inspiration

"Every smallest moment of a person's life entails a chain of consequences into eternity. Indeed every one is like a new beginning to those that follow."

Arcana Coelestia 3854.3