Make a difference

It has recently come to my attention that the funds that have made this publication available in the past are not certain for the future. And so it is with humility, that I am reminded to ask you to join me in the effort to fund this magazine. The work that goes into this publication in print and online reaches thousands of people each year.

Your donation of a story, photography, art, ideas, and funds help make this publication the quality New Church material that it is. If exploring the application of New Christian spirituality in everyday life has touched you directly or you have shared it with a friend or loved one, I invite you to take action today. My hope is that every reader who is touched by this publication will respond.

Managing Editor
& Creative Director

Daily Inspiration

"Every smallest moment of a person's life entails a chain of consequences into eternity. Indeed every one is like a new beginning to those that follow."

Arcana Coelestia 3854.3