Coping with failure

We are each given strengths by the Lord to do wonderful things. But rarely do we grow our character from our strengths. It is through our weaknesses, our failures that the Lord ministers to us and creates new ways for us to minister to others.

When I look over my life, I can think of many devastating moments. Although tragic, these moments are the beauty and the fabric of my life experience. And even though I try to avoid them at all costs, in hindsight I would never remove them for the gifts the Lord has given me through them.

The purpose of this issue is to address those times of failure and to help you to cope with them, and ultimately use them as catalyses for change in your life: change in the way you see yourself, others, and how you fit into the world.

I hope the articles here provide you with a new sense of hope and courage as you navigate life’s challenges.

Managing Editor
& Creative Director

Daily Inspiration

"God cannot turn away from us or even look at us with a frown."

True Christianity 56