Taking the Bible seriously (not just literally)

"Christianity, rightly understood, is the science of love." -Helen Keller

You could say the Bible ultimately explores the science of love. When we use the stories of the Bible as arguments, formulas, or even a constitution of sorts, we are going to bump up against inconsistencies, confusion and question. Why? While it is sacred, beautiful, timeless, and relevant, we often forget it is also a story. A story that each of us can be found in, as different characters at different points in our lives.

My challenge (and hope) for you today is to open your Bible. See for yourself what it says. Read the articles in this issue for tips. When you reach confusing stories or elements that make you want to give up, persevere with an open heart, sit with the confusion, and ask yourself, “Why might this be here? Where am I in this story? What do I have to learn?”

I’d love to hear how reading the Bible for yourself impacts your journey.

Managing Editor
& Creative Director

Daily Inspiration

"God cannot turn away from us or even look at us with a frown."

True Christianity 56