A New Christianity

In this issue we tackle a big topic…What is a New Christianity—the New Church? This question reminds me of the litany of questions I get daily from my three-year-old. These are often simple, profound, and almost always difficult to answer definitively and concisely.

To me, the New Christianity is the Lord’s message born anew in my life. It is the living presence of the Lord revealed through the Bible and through my heartfelt efforts to bring the Bible’s message to life. New Christianity is where God is one, heaven is possible, and hope is alive.

I like to think New Christianity is not so much new as it is old. It puts aside the dogmas, bureaucracy, and formality that separates individuals from interacting with and embracing the Divine. A New Christianity is a movement, a message, a possibility that transcends any human organization.

I hope this issue leaves you inspired, enriched, and perhaps filled with even more questions. May you continue to approach sacred texts familiar and new to you for insights on your journey.

Managing Editor
& Creative Director

Daily Inspiration

"God cannot turn away from us or even look at us with a frown."

True Christianity 56