As we forgive our debtors

We need to be forgiven, and if we are to be forgiven, we must forgive.

Type of Event: Worship Service: Sermon only
Date Recorded: 18 Sep, 2016
Location: Bryn Athyn Cathedral
Topics: Forgiveness / Repentance

God is constantly forgiving, because God is love. Let Him forgive you.

“Then his master, after he had called him , said to him, ‘you wicked servant!, I forgave you all that debt because you begged me. Should you not also have had compassion on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?'” (Matthew 18:32-33)


Rev. Coleman Glenn


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Daily Inspiration

"That innocence and peace go together like good and its delight can be seen in little children, who are in peace because they are in innocence, and because they are in peace are, in their whole nature, full of play."

Heaven and Hell 288