| Spiritual useful services: love toward God and love for the neighbor |
Moral and civic services: love for the society in which a person resides |
Natural useful services: love of the world and its necessities |
Corporal useful service: self- preservation for the sake of higher uses |
For I was hungry and you gave Me food |
Longing for the love from the Lord |
Longing to be in a loving family, job or position in society |
Longing for a healthy world and enough material possessions |
Hungry for healthy food |
I was thirsty and you gave Me drink |
Longing for truth from the Lord |
Longing for understanding about people and jobs |
Longing for accurate facts and worldly information |
Hungry for healthy liquids |
I was a sojourner and you took Me in |
Eager to learn how to be included in a heavenly community |
Eager to learn how to join a church, club or social group |
Eager to feel closer to the natural world and to be taught about objects |
Eager to be welcomed into a house and taught family customs |
I was naked and you clothed Me |
Ignorant of good and truth; long for protection from evil and falsity |
Vulnerable to bad social influences, such as abuse, oppression, violent crime |
Vulnerable to bad influences in the natural world; poison, pollution, drugs |
Vulnerable to harsh climate and wanting protective clothing |
I was sick and you visited Me |
Acknowledge that they have nothing good: sick from evil |
Mental illness related to social issues: loneliness, lust, cruelty, depression |
Mental illness related to love of objects or the world, or greed, envy, materialism |
Physical illness; seeking medical care and visits; may or may not be guilty |
I was in prison and you came to Me |
Acknowledge that they have no truth: stuck in falsities |
Mental illness related to fear and distortions of reality about people |
Mental illness related to false ideas of the physical world |
Literally in a prison; wanting to be visited; may or may not be guilty |