The Bible Does Not Support Racism

Exposing the lie

The Bible Does Not Support Racism

by Rev. David RothI wrote this in August of 2017 after the events in Charlottesville. I am offering it again. Sadly, again.It doesn’t take any deep thought or high intelligence to know that hating someone else or hurting someone else in the name of religion or God is wrong. In fact, it is the antithesis […]

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The Bible has a great deal to tell us, and to teach us. It tells us that we should have faith and believe in the Lord. It tells us that we should practice repentance for our sins, and to obey the ten commandments. These are all important. It is good to pay attention to what […]

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Daily Inspiration

"That innocence and peace go together like good and its delight can be seen in little children, who are in peace because they are in innocence, and because they are in peace are, in their whole nature, full of play."

Heaven and Hell 288