The story of Abraham being ordered to kill his son Isaac is a confusing one. It seems unlike a loving God. Rev. John Odhner explores the inner meaning of this story.
3 truths to lean on
Whether you are in a state of doubt and despair or one of confidence in the Lord’s identity and His presence in your life, explore these three ideas that are at the heart of a faith in Him.
Real challenges: reconciling scripture and experience
When reading the Bible, it seems portions don’t always match up with what we’ve seen and encountered in our own lives. Here’s another way to think about this tension, what if scripture and experience aren’t actually mutually exclusive or even that different from each other?
Contradictions in the Bible? (seeking answers)
It can be frustrating and disconcerting to notice contradictions in the Bible. Rev. Peter Buss Jr. explores these questions many wrestle with about trusting in the Bible and God’s teachings in these moments of uncertainty.
Finding New Meaning in the Bible
Is the Bible still relevant?
Can we believe the Bible?
We can trust the Lord’s Word to reveal deep truths that will bring us closer to the Lord and closer to one another, but we don’t see those truths by staying on the surface.
Bible Stories Unlocked
Did a flood cover the earth?
Messages in Popular Bible Stories
We can read the Bible on many different levels. There is a literal meaning, a history of God’s relationship with His people, and a deeper symbolic meaning which teaches us about our own spiritual lives. The symbolism is most apparent in the many parables that Jesus told, but exists throughout the Bible. Click on a […]
Meditate on the Word
Lectio Divina is an ancient Christian practice which can enliven our study of the Word.
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