Compassionate living

Marianne Williamson describes every moment as either “love or a call to love.” When I hold this in my mind, in my heart, my outlook is transformed.

What would it look like for each one of us to respond to other’s actions as a call to love? When you or a loved one receives bad news, can you hold others with that same experience in compassion? And maybe even yourself? When you experience a loss, can you show gentleness to your grieving self? The same kindness you would show another in your place? When a loved one is in pain, and you don’t know what to say, can you be there anyway? What does it feel like to open to the compassionate presence of the Creator and let that love flow through you? When you see the unbearable woes of others in the news, can you hold them in deep love and compassion and pray for the end of their suffering, and open to the possibilities of how you can help?.

“For I the Lord your God will hold your right hand, saying to you ‘Fear not; I will help you’.” Isaiah 41:13

Managing Editor
& Creative Director

Daily Inspiration

"The Lord, from His Divine love by His Divine wisdom, provides the means which make it possible for every person to be saved."

Divine Providence 330.3