Exploring the Bible


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How did you view the Bible when you were younger? Did you grow up with it as an honored book in your home? Did you interact with it at all? Today, have you opened the Bible for yourself to see what is inside?

This issue is focused on exploring the Bible. Whether you have written it off as an irrelevant, old, dated book, cherished it as such a holy book that you never touched it because it intimidated you, or always loved the Bible but want to understand it better, now is the time to explore it with a new approach and openness.

Discover the transforming power of the Lord’s Word, in John Johnson’s personal story of grief and healing, p. 8. Find answers to your questions about the Bible on p. 6 and p.18. Consider anew if the Bible is relevant to your life and if you can find new meaning in it, in Mac Frazier’s article on p.13.

Give the Bible a chance, you might be surprised! Even better, you might realize the truth of the quote on the back cover that “the union of heaven with a person is through the Word” (White Horse 10).

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Daily Inspiration

"Loving our neighbor as ourselves is simply not dealing dishonestly or unfairly with people, not harboring hatred or burning with revenge against them, not speaking ill of them or slandering them, not committing adultery with their spouses, and not doing anything of that nature to them."

Divine Providence 94