Navigating family relationships

"Think global. Act local.”

I have heard this expression in many contexts. Today, I invite you to consider it in terms of family relationships.

If you have a vision and a hope for a peaceful world, strive to bring this harmony into your “local” relationships: those within your family.

Sometimes these are the relationships we struggle with most, and they often provide the most opportunities to apply our growing knowledge of how to live well.

As contributions for this issue came across my desk, I noticed the positive impact the ideas had on my own relationships. I’m confident that, if you apply the ideas presented here, you will observe similar changes.

Navigating family relationships can be a beautiful thing. And who knows? Maybe your local intention and action will make a global impact.

Managing Editor
& Creative Director

Daily Inspiration

"To the extent that we turn our backs on evil deeds we are with the Lord and in the Lord; and to the extent that we are in the Lord the good deeds we do come not from ourselves but from the Lord."

Doctrine of Life 21