Freedom from care for the morrow

freedom from care for the morrow

“If we look for our duties and opportunities in the present, we shall find our delights there also. And the Lord, who is the First and Last, shall care for our tomorrows even as He gives us bread for today.” (Dr. Hugo Lj. Odhner, The Lord's Prayer, p. 50)

What a blessing it is to focus our efforts on the present moment. As we all learn from experience, when we focus our attention on performing a use in the present, we move forward toward being useful.

This applies to all the circumstances of our lives. Consider a school student who has been given a definite date to complete homework. When the student organizes his mind toward the completion of the homework, he is moving forward to its completion. But if he leaves the homework for a later date, he may well find that the expiry date has arrived without even starting it.

Performing duties and responsibilities is part of our daily lives and their faithful performance need not be a burden on our minds. One of the most helpful ways to view our duties and responsibilities is in the following guideline. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).

When we trust from the heart that the Lord is with us every moment of the day and night, our lives take on a new perspective. Yes, we acknowledge that this truth does not remove the evil influence of evil spirits. But it enables us to see the influx of evil as coming from evil spirits. So we are able to look to the Lord and pray for help and power to resist these evils.

Trust in the Lord is our greatest asset in every aspect of life. When we trust in the Lord's eternal loving and caring presence in our lives, we have a perspective that is approaching a heavenly perspective. Yes, we still have a long journey to go but when we know and accept the truth that the Lord's loving care is always with us, we move forward with trust, not in our own efforts or understanding, but in the surety that the Lord is present in every circumstance of our lives.

From this trust in the Lord's unceasing presence, we are able to view difficulties and problems from a heavenly perspective. We are able to turn to the Lord and to pray for enlightenment as to how the Lord would have us respond to demanding situations.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33)

“You, LORD, are all I have, and You give me all I need; my future is within Your hands. How wonderful are Your gifts to me, how good they are!" (Psalm 16:5,6)

“Heaven is the only basis for our continued existence.” (Emanuel Swedenborg, Heaven and Hell 94)

Bill Hall enjoys writing about applying the New Church's teachings to life in various publications, and is an active member of the Hurstville Society in Australia.

Full issue

Daily Inspiration

"Loving the Lord and our neighbor is being of service."

Heaven and Hell 112