Daily Easter Readings

During the Easter season we celebrate the Lord's gift of renewed life.

Receive daily readings from scripture starting March 23. Each email in this program features a Bible passage from the Easter story, followed by related readings from New Church theology. Closing every email is a short reflection for you to meditate on during the day.

For two thousand years the Easter story has shown us Jesus’ great love for all people. Throughout the Lord’s ministry, He emphasized His purpose of bringing all people who are willing to follow Him into heaven with Himself. His boundless, compassionate love is especially clear in the Gospel of John, from which we take our Easter Readings this year.

The Lord said, “I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” (John 12:32) Now that Jesus Christ has risen, we can truly understand His love for humanity, and we can see Him as God, or “Divine love in human form.” (Secrets of Heaven 4735)

We pray that this year’s theme, “The Lord's Love for All People” will give you a clearer sense of the Lord’s presence in your life.

Please note: Easter Readings are processed separately from the Christmas Readings and require their own subscription.

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Daily Inspiration

"The universe is a work connected as one thing from beginning to end... God had a single purpose in creating it: an angelic heaven populated by the human race."

True Christianity 13