Noah’s ark

Read about Noah's Ark in Genesis 6-9

What Does It Mean in my Life?

The story of Noah and the flood represents the personal struggle and temptation that each of us faces in life—and the ways we can protect ourselves in these times of spiritual trials. The book Secrets of Heaven explains the inner meaning of this story: the ark that Noah, his family, and the animals go into for protection from the flood represents the church that carries us through hard times (Secrets of Heaven 639).

“By the ‘flood of waters’ is signified the beginning of temptation” (Secrets of Heaven 739-740). The flood represents the temptations that come in life and threaten to wipe out everything good if we give in to them. It is further explained that “‘Noah went into the ark, from before the waters of the flood’ signifies that he was protected in temptation.” In the story Noah’s wife, his sons, and his sons’ wives came with him into the ark because they represent the resources Noah had to help him resist temptations. Noah’s wife represents goods, his sons represent truths, and his sons’ wives represent truths that are connected to goods (Secrets of Heaven 742). We can see that while the story seems literally impossible it stands for something very real in our lives—turning to the church and the goods and truths that sustain us when we are faced with temptation.

Daily Inspiration

"Our faith does not join us to the Lord; what joins us to the Lord is living by the truths that faith teaches."

New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine 121.7