Theta Alpha Journal

Theta Alpha Journal is a semi-annual magazine (normally published in October and April) devoted to the furtherance of New Church education.

It is the official journal of Theta Alpha International, an organization open to all women interested in supporting New Church education.

The magazine typically includes articles on education, articles on life's lessons in the light of New Church doctrine, addresses and minutes from the Theta Alpha International annual meetings, poetry, book reviews, communications, and reports from Theta Alpha chapters around the world. The Theta Alpha Journal also helps stimulate the ongoing conversation about education within the walls of New Church educational institutions as well as education found along the path of life.

Look for Theta Alpha on Facebook as well.

Current Issue

Subscribe to Receive the Theta Alpha Journal

To sign up to receive Theta Alpha Journal, please contact the editor, Helen Kennedy, at

Dues and Donations

Three ways to pay dues ($15 US):

1) Pay with a credit card or PayPal online.
Click the Pay Dues/Donate button below to pay dues and make an optional donation to the General Fund.

2) Those in the United States may send a check for dues and any optional donation (payable to Theta Alpha International) to TAI, Box 154, Bryn Athyn, PA 19009.

3) Members outside the United States may send payment to a chapter leader or treasurer. Please indicate any donation, above and beyond dues, to the General Fund.

Theta Alpha Journal archive

We have an archive of older issues.

Daily Inspiration

"It is damaging for us to take credit for things we do for the sake of our salvation. Hidden within our credit-taking there are evil attitudes of which we are unaware at the time."

True Christian Religion 439