Seven Practices of Peace

Discover how the seven days of creation offer strategies for bringing peace into your relationships, your life, and the world, one day at a time.

Each of us has the potential to progress from spiritual darkness and ignorance toward a state that is more awake, present, vibrant, loving, and peaceful. Seven Practices of Peace will walk you through each of the seven days of creation, offering inspiration and suggestions for practicing peace, a little every day.

Seven Practices of Peace is a seven (7) week program drawing from the Biblical story of the days of creation. The days of creation progress from the first glimpse of light, all the way to a state of vibrant life, and finally rest, offering a metaphor for our inner "creation." This program is designed to use either on your own or with a group.

Start your own exploration with our free email program, containing inspiration, explanation, reflections, and tasks. Or start your own small group in your church or community, using the Seven Practices of Peace workbook and related resources.

Read more details about the program, and the weekly content

Explore these topics during the program

Week One: Awakening

Light shines for the first time
In this first stage, before the light hits, we grope in darkness. We might be thinking only about ourselves, having more wealth or attractiveness, or getting people to listen to and respect us. Since we are asleep to the real, spiritual world within everything, our life is "empty, dark and void." The change begins when we start to acknowledge some higher power, something more than the shallow life we've been living. This is like a light dawning, bringing a first feeling of peace.

Week Two: Distinguishing

Waters above from waters below
Once we have awakened to God's presence, we begin to distinguish between what's really important and what isn't. Often, these two first phases come about in times of trouble. Hardship or heartache washes away shallow concerns. It's hard to obsess about our new bad hair cut, for example when we find out that our uncle has cancer. We start to mature and we see a separation between the things that do and don't matter. In this stage, we realize that we have an inner place that's peaceful and separate from mental chatter, and we begin to realize that the best things in life are people, and not things.

Week Three: Cultivating

Tender plants grow
When we have distinguished what's important from what isn't, the "soil" of our mind is ready to hear the truth, and a tender, more compassionate side of us can begin to take root. We might start to notice the things that have been holding us back. Maybe we have trouble forgiving, so we make an effort to start treating others better, with less judgment. These efforts are like the tender plants beginning to grow.

Week Four: Navigating

Sun, moon and stars placed in the sky for light
The more we practice changing our destructive habits, the easier it becomes. Our principles become clearer - they are like the sun and moon, the "lights" that lead us. The "sun" of love stirs us to care, while the "moon" of faith sheds understanding during the dark times.

Week Five: Speaking

Fish swim and birds fly
In this stage, the things we do or say have new energy and life because we no longer take credit for them. We become stronger advocates for what we know is true, and we feel more love for others.

Week Six: Loving

Humans are created in the image of God
Finally, we not only say what we mean, we also act on our beliefs, from a loving frame of mind. In this stage, we fully embrace our spiritual heritage as men and women created in the image of God.

Week Seven: Resting

No more work; there is peace
At the seventh stage, we experience a state of peace, joy, and contentment. After the peace and rest, there will likely be more challenges and periods of darkness that inspire us to a new awakening. The cycle begins again, from evening to morning, as we become newly created from within.

Register for the Program

Please enter your name and your email address to begin receiving daily emails for the "Seven Practices of Peace" program. Daily emails will provide content each day for you to explore (you may unsubscribe at any time, if you choose). After submitting your email address, you will be sent an email asking you to confirm that you want to participate. Once you have confirmed, the program emails will begin the following day.

Optional Small Groups

A small group is a gathering of people who commit to meet on a weekly basis to explore their faith and support each other in applying that faith to life. Small groups usually include prayer, a time for checking in, and discussions or related activities.

Start your own small group in your church or with your friends! It’s easy with the step-by-step Seven Practices of Peace leader's edition workbook, which includes instructions for small group leaders and participants alike.

Questions? Contact us by email at

Daily Inspiration

"It is damaging for us to take credit for things we do for the sake of our salvation. Hidden within our credit-taking there are evil attitudes of which we are unaware at the time."

True Christian Religion 439