Shift: Small Changes, Big Difference

Although painful at times, struggle often signifies the beginning of change.

Whether it’s relationship issues, financial concerns, bad habits, we all struggle. And fortunately, we all have the God-given power to shift our focus, our perspective and our priorities, which can lead to exciting life changes. But why do this alone?

Shift is a seven-week spiritual growth program in which participants learn about themselves, about God, and about how to make shifts in their lives. The program draws on the Jacob story from the Old Testament. Here is your chance to offer your struggles before the Lord, and watch them turn to blessings.

Start your own exploration with our free email program, containing inspiration, explanation, reflections, and tasks. The program will help you discover new spiritual insights about your life and will help you feel closer to the Lord. Or start your own small group in your church or community, using the Shift workbook. You can listen to audio sermons about Shift.

Read more details about the program, and the weekly content

Weekly Topics

This seven week program explores Biblical answers to a new topic each week:

  • A shift of awareness: Notice the conflicts
  • A shift of perspective: Remember the Lord is here, now
  • A shift of focus: Keep in mind who you want to be
  • A shift of expectations: Have patience with the process
  • A shift of motivation: Recognize when it's time to make a change
  • A shift of confidence: Hold on through the wrestling
  • A shift of heart: Show your love

Register for the Program

Please enter your name and your email address to begin receiving daily emails for the "Shift" spiritual growth program. Daily emails will provide content each day for you to explore (you may unsubscribe at any time, if you choose). After submitting your email address, you will be sent an email asking you to confirm that you want to participate. Once you have confirmed, the program emails will begin the following day.

Optional Small Groups

A small group is a gathering of people who commit to meet on a weekly basis to explore their faith and support each other in applying that faith to life. Small groups usually include prayer, a time for checking in, and discussions or related activities.

Start your own small group in your church or with your friends! It’s easy with the step-by-step Small Group Leaders Guide, and enriching Participant Activity Pages located in each Shift workbook.

Questions? Contact us by email at

Daily Inspiration

"It is damaging for us to take credit for things we do for the sake of our salvation. Hidden within our credit-taking there are evil attitudes of which we are unaware at the time."

True Christian Religion 439