We know that many people would like to have sermons in a printable format. To meet this need, we have made a subset of our sermons available as PDF files for you to use. These sermons cover a variety of topics, and are available in the following categories:
- "I Am the Lord Your God" (PDF)
- Joy in the Coming of Our Lord (PDF)
- Appearance of the Lord (PDF)
- The God We Worship (PDF)
- The Word Made Flesh (PDF)
- Bearing Witness to Truth (PDF)
- Behold! The Lamb of God! (PDF)
- The Transfiguration of the Lord (PDF)
- The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ (PDF)
- The Lord God Jesus Christ (PDF)
- Christmas Message of Love and Judgment (PDF)
- The Word Made Flesh (PDF)
- The Love of Ruling (PDF)
- Behold a Sower Went Forth to Sow (PDF)
- Love What is it? (PDF)
- Love Your Enemies (PDF)
- The Ideal of Marriage to Eternity (PDF)
- Protecting Marriage (PDF)
- Developing Respect for Marriage (PDF)
- Love is not a Feeling (PDF)
- Longing for Truth (PDF)
- Your Faith Has Made You Well (PDF)
- Faith in the Will (PDF)
- Faith and Human Freedom (PDF)
- Spiritual Rebirth is a Gradual Process (PDF)
- New Year, New Life (PDF)
- My Burden Is Light (PDF)
- Do Not Despair (PDF)
- The Secret Of Life (PDF)
- Fighting Spiritual Battles (PDF)
- Temptation: Walking On The Sea (PDF)
- Swords Into Plowshares; Spears Into Pruning Hooks (PDF)
- Desert Journey (PDF)
- Streams In The Desert (PDF)
- They Lie In Wait For My Life (PDF)
- When You Have Eaten And Are Full (PDF)
- Going Home (PDF)
- Spiritual Success (PDF)
- Settle In Your Hearts (PDF)
- Have You Ever Been In Prison? (PDF)
- The Hope Of Help (PDF)
- New Beginnings (PDF)
- Hope In Desolation (PDF)
- Healing of Naamans leprosy (PDF)
- First be reconciled (PDF)
- Healing blindness (PDF)
- Helping those who are sick (PDF)
- I am willing; be cleansed (PDF)
- Needing a physician (PDF)
- Care for the morrow (PDF)
- Ten blessings, Part 1 (PDF)
- Ten blessings, Part 2 (PDF)
- Counting His blessings (PDF)
- Make disciples of all nations (PDF)
- Uses (PDF)
- Why does God permit war (PDF)
- With God all things are possible (PDF)
- Power (PDF)
- To please the Lord (PDF)
- Our way, our truth, and our life (PDF)
- What does the Lord do for us (PDF)
- The quiet restraint of the Lord (PDF)
- Why does the Lord let bad things happen (PDF)
- You are not to steal; taking from the Lord (PDF)
- Coming to rule with the Lord (PDF)
- In use, in health, in the Lord (PDF)
- Ascribe strength to God (PDF)
- Doing greater works (PDF)
- Joseph (PDF)
- Nebuchadnezzar and dreams in the Word (PDF)
- The parable of the Good Samaritan (PDF)
- A sower went out to sow (PDF)
- Crumbs from the Masters table (PDF)
- The prodigal son (PDF)
- The murder of Abel (PDF)
- Turning water to wine (PDF)
- Abraham and Lot (PDF)
- Choose whom you will serve (PDF)
- Why three types of freedom (PDF)
- Free to choose (PDF)
- Guarding spiritual freedom (PDF)
- Piety (PDF)
- Keeping in a state of hope (PDF)
- Compassion (PDF)
- Effective hope and everlasting trust (PDF)
- Guilt and thankfulness (PDF)
- Finding inner strength (PDF)
- Dealing with fear and anxiety (PDF)
- Loneliness (PDF)
- Beware of hypocrisy (PDF)
- Blessed are the meek (PDF)
We have hundreds more printable sermons, along with other resources for school, home, and worship, on our New Church Vineyard website at www.newchurchvineyard.org. You can narrow your search there by various filters (topic, Bible reference, targeted age, etc.)