Sometimes as we read the Lord’s Word, we come across some statements (eg Luke 14:25-26) that just can’t mean what they seem to say at first.

Temptation in the Bible (Bible study)
The Bible has a great deal to say about the spiritual trials that we have to face, and we can find there the way to come through those struggles a stronger and better person.
Abraham and Isaac (Bible study)
The story of Abraham being ordered to kill his son Isaac is a confusing one. It seems unlike a loving God. Rev. John Odhner explores the inner meaning of this story.
The most important conversation
Like the childless Hannah in the Bible, we may feel barren of value and meaning. But if we lay our hearts and hands before the Lord, asking Him for His help, we can receive spiritual offspring from Him – the ways we are of service to Him and to others.
Going deeper (Bible study) – recognizing and embracing God
In life we often feel alone and in the dark. In this article, Rev. Jeremy Simons takes a deeper look at the Easter story, helping us recognize and embrace God.
Falsely accused
In the book of Genesis, Joseph was thrust into slavery, accused of a crime he didn’t commit, and thrown into prison. Yet, despite all these setbacks in his life, he found a way to look to the Lord and rise above events humbly, rather than dwell on them.
Help when things get bad
The biblical story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace (Daniel 3) has much to teach us of dealing with our own internal struggles of anger.
Walking on water
One of the often related and poorly understood miracles of Jesus is walking on water. Why did Jesus walk on water? Was it to prove His miraculous power? If so, why at night with so few witnesses?
Throwing stones
Many of us have heard the phrase “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone.” Thane Glenn explores what is beautifully profound and compassionate about this phrase Jesus spoke in the New Testament.
Prayer and Fasting (Bible study)
Mark 9 tells a story of a young man possessed by an evil spirit. Jesus tells that ‘prayer and fasting’ were required to cast out the spirit. What did He mean?
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