
While reading what the Bible says about forgiveness, I was absolutely blown away by the beautiful descriptions of God’s forgiveness. I’ve recently been pondering the notion that God does not forgive, for He is never angry. And yet, I can understand that there is a part of me that needs forgiveness, needs to ask for it, even though God never is angry with me.

In this issue we begin to explore this topic of forgiveness. What does forgiveness look like in real life? What is the deal with Jesus, the cross, the blood atonement and forgiveness?

I pray that I might learn a small portion of the heart of forgiveness I see described in the Bible, and that I might be a multiplier of God’s loving presence on this earth. I hope that you will join me in this effort/journey.

bronwenBMK, Managing Editor & Creative Director

Daily Inspiration

"God cannot turn away from us or even look at us with a frown."

True Christianity 56