Prepare the way for the Lord

When you picture preparing a way for the Lord, what imagery comes to mind? There is imagery presented in the Bible of wise men, shepherds, and a baby born in a manger. In this issue you will discover insight into the significance of this imagery.

If you’ve ever doubted the necessity of the Lord’s presence on earth, you may be reminded of the life-giving power of knowing Him when you hear Ginny’s story.

Looking for concrete ways to welcome the Lord into your life? Read the collection of quotations and tasks available. Post these pages on your fridge for a daily reminder.

However you choose to prepare the way, I hope and pray that you feel the Lord’s peace, mercy, and tender care in your life this Christmas season.

Managing Editor
& Creative Director

Daily Inspiration

"God cannot turn away from us or even look at us with a frown."

True Christianity 56