- The Foundations email program looks deeper at questions about God, life after death, the Bible, and spiritual growth, and the New Church perspective on these ideas.
- The Spiritual Growth Programs provide an opportunity for personal growth and spiritual transformation. Each program focuses on a story or theme from the Bible, with insights and opportunities for reflection on concrete life application, and how we can apply the stories to our lives and our individual spiritual journeys. Each program is 5 to 7 weeks long.
- The Christmas Readings Program features a scriptural passage from the Christmas story during December, followed by readings touching on some aspect of the passage. At the end of the readings for each day is a set of reflections, together with some questions for consideration.
- With the Easter Readings Program, you receive daily readings from scripture during Easter season. Each email in this program features a Bible passage from the Easter story, followed by related readings from New Church theology. Closing every email is a short reflection for you to meditate on during the day.