Sermons, Talks and Classes

We have a large collection of New Church Sermons, Talks, and Classes and make them easily accessible to listeners worldwide.

These are available in a variety of formats. Use them for individual study, or as a basis for your own worship services.


The largest collection of sermons is available in audio format on our New Church Audio website and features a wide variety of both topics and speakers. You can search for these by topic, speaker, location, or date.

Our audio collection includes worship services, doctrinal classes, audio books, addresses, and symposia from New Church congregations across North America, with new events being added weekly. In addition to serving as a source of religious instruction, these recordings are a valuable historical resource dating back to the late 1940's.


A number of congregations have produced sermons and/or services in a video format, as part of their livestream services.

See to find their archived sermons.


In general, our collection of recordings is not available in a printable form, but we do have a smaller selection of printable sermons.

Daily Inspiration

"Loving our neighbor as ourselves is simply not dealing dishonestly or unfairly with people, not harboring hatred or burning with revenge against them, not speaking ill of them or slandering them, not committing adultery with their spouses, and not doing anything of that nature to them."

Divine Providence 94