Exploring Jesus as God

"Your word is a lamp unto my feet." Psalm 119:105

Sometimes, in sacred practices, there is a great emphasis on transcendence, enlightenment, moving past this world to the next. There is amazing profound part of the sacred story that the Divine became human. Dwelt among us. That perhaps the greatest miracle is to fully inhabit our humanity. With all our flaws and shortcomings. To stay. To be alive. To show love. To show kindness.

When we explore what Jesus has to teach us, and the possibility of God fully dwelling as a human, a door is opened to compassion. An antidote to loneliness is found.

I invite you to sit with the possibility that God knows your every sorrow and pain, that he has walked on this earth, that he cares deeply for you. That he continues to guide you as you invite him on the journey. How does this transform your concept of acceptance? Forgiveness? Compassion? How does this transform your life?

Managing Editor
& Creative Director

Daily Inspiration

"Loving the Lord and our neighbor is being of service."

Heaven and Hell 112