Overcoming negativity

Around every corner there is a risk of negativity consuming us. Whether it is a missed opportunity, a disappointment, a broken promise, or loss, the decision is before us to be consumed by these negative situations in our lives or to choose how we respond to these moments.

This issue focuses on overcoming negativity. It is about developing the commitment and practice of living with joy and hope for the future. “I will life my eyes to the mountains from whence comes my help. My help is from the Lord, who made the heavens and the earth” (Psalm 121:1-2).

What is your experience of overcoming negativity? When is it difficult? When have you been successful? Who are your mentors and inspiration along the way? Share your thoughts in the comments sections of articles or email us to share your story.

Managing Editor
& Creative Director

Daily Inspiration

"Loving our neighbor as ourselves is simply not dealing dishonestly or unfairly with people, not harboring hatred or burning with revenge against them, not speaking ill of them or slandering them, not committing adultery with their spouses, and not doing anything of that nature to them."

Divine Providence 94