Online Easter Readings Groups

What Are Easter Readings Groups?

Easter Readings Groups are small spiritual discussion groups, based around an email program we offer called Easter Readings. If you haven't already subscribed, please sign up to receive Easter readings.

Come Closer to the Lord.

In the weeks before Easter, we can draw closer to God by discovering a deeper understanding of the Easter story. Jesus said, “I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to Myself.” (John 12:32)

Understand His Story.

The Easter story is about how Jesus rose from death, and also about how we can be changed and uplifted to find more peace, happiness, and connection. To get the most out of the readings, you can share them with others in a small group.

Share the Journey.

Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20) Make a closer connection with the Lord by reading His story together and sharing insights with each other.

What You Can Expect from Easter Readings Groups

  • Six weekly hour-long meetings leading up to Easter
  • Opening prayer, reflection, and discussion
  • Meet online from anywhere (usually by Zoom)
  • Various times and days to fit your schedule

No prior experience is required and everyone is welcome.

Your group leader will contact you with specific login information for their group meetings.

Group Choices

Note the different time zones. Pick the day and time that might work for you. If you're interested in more than one, you may register more than once, for different groups, by filling out the form more than once. We will be in touch to discuss more details and connect you with the group facilitator.

  • Sunday at 9:00 am PT (Los Angeles time) first meeting Mar 23, led by Shar Junge
  • Monday 7:30 pm ET (New York time) first meeting Mar 31, led by Mac Frazier
  • Tuesday 12:00 pm PT (Los Angeles time) first meeting Mar 25, led by Loisann Openshaw
  • Wednesday at 8:00 pm ET (New York time) first meeting Mar 26, led by Nathan Gladish
  • Thursday at 10:00 am ET (Eastern time) first meeting Mar 27, led by John Odhner
  • Thursday at 6:30 pm CT (Chicago time) first meeting Mar 27, led by John Odhner and Mary Valentine

  • In-person in Sarver, Pennsylvania: Sunday at 9:15 am ET (New York time) first meeting Mar 23, led by Trish Lindsay
  • Online for Young Adults: Monday at 8:30 pm ET (New York time) first meeting Mar 24, led by Jake Olsen
  • Online for Spanish speakers: Wednesday at 6:30 pm PT (Los Angeles time) first meeting Mar 26, led by Nat Pendleton

Time changes for various countries:
In much of the US and Canada, DST begins Sunday, Mar 10
In the UK, DST starts Sunday, Mar 31

Fill Out the Form Below to Register, Choosing the Particular Group You Would Like to Participate In.

    Daily Inspiration

    "The universe is a work connected as one thing from beginning to end... God had a single purpose in creating it: an angelic heaven populated by the human race."

    True Christianity 13