From spirituality in parenting to choosing your spouse, Rev. David Roth explores your questions.

Questions about science and religion
Answering your questions about core beliefs of the New Church and how science and religion are in harmony.
Seeking answers: Life is full of questions
Sins, forgiveness, heaven and hell? These can be overwhelming, often puzzling concepts. Here, the Rev. Guillaume Anato answers some fundamental questions about salvation.
Prophecies of the apocalypse
Is the end of the world coming? Does God only save 144,000, as the book of Revelation seems to imply?
Is the Bible a true story?
Rev. Amos Glenn responds to questions about Divine revelation, the Bible, and how God leads us to happiness.
Seeking answers: The Bible? Jesus? The Trinity?
God and the Bible do not have to be mysterious. Explore questions regarding the nature of God and how He communicates with us.
Does the Lord need my love?
Christmastime can bring up a lot of questions about who God is, why He came to earth, and how we are supposed to interact with Him. Here the Rt. Rev. Peter Buss addresses some of those questions.
Why do I have to have failures?
Why do I Have to Have Failure? Will I be Punished for My Failures? How Do I Forgive Myself?
Questions about giving and donating
Making a difference can show up on many different levels. Here David Lindrooth responds to some questions that arise when one considers the biblical principles behind giving.
Seeking answers about doubt
The Easter story is one of great turmoil but, at the same time, of amazing miracles. Similarly, unsettling doubts and wonderful spiritual transformation can exist side-by-side in our own lives. The Rev. Dr. Andy Dibb offers profound, powerful responses to questions about doubt, the Easter story, and our spiritual journey.