New Church Life archives

2024 Issues

  • July/August 2024 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • In This Issue
    • Editorials: Down From the Mountain • Derived Doctrine
    • Letter to the Editors
    • The Church: Bringing Heaven to Earth – The Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • An Invitation to the Holy City – The Rev. Steven P. Gunther
    • Ethics and Building on the Rock – The Rev. Christopher A. Barber
    • From the Bishop’s Office: ‘Amen’ – The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Bryn Athyn College Commencement Address: Success in Life –How-to Videos for Graduates – Curtis Childs
    • Academy Secondary Schools Commencement Address ANC: Preparation for Life – Douglas Reuter
    • The Centenary of the New Church in Colchester, England: The History by Anne Glover; The Celebration by Ann Buss;and a poem from former pastor, the Rev. Kenneth J. Alden
    • The Swedenborgian Attorney who Launched the Slavery Trial of the Century: The Dred Scott Case and Francis Murdoch
    • Life Lines
    • Church News
    • Announcements
  • May/June 2024 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The New Church: Between Dream and Destiny • Calling People Together and Sending Them Out
    • Letter to the Editors
    • All Things New – A New Church Day Sermon, by the Rev. W. Cairns Henderson
    • The Seven Thunders – A New Church Day Sermon, by the Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Gathering Together New – The Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • The Purpose and Value of Worship Services for the General Church of the New Jerusalem – The Rev. Prescott A. Rogers
    • True Love – The Rev. Todd J. Beiswenger
    • Finding the New Jerusalem: Rev. Joseph Proud – A Memoir by the Rev. Edward Madeley Compiled by Marvin Clymer
    • God’s Dice and Human Freedom – Ned Uber
    • Life Lines
    • Church News
    • Announcements
  • March/April 2024 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Joy of the Easter Season • Preference Falsification
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Jesus Wept: Seeing the Human Side of God – An Easter Sermon by the Rev. Barry C. Halterman
    • The Easter Season – The Rev. John L. Odhner
    • Trying to Entomb the Lord – A Children’s Easter Talk by the Rev. Grant H. Odhner
    • Wandering in the Wilderness – A Sermon by the Rev. Stephen D. Cole
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Helping People Find the Church: Our Efforts in General Church Outreach – The Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • The Making of a Modern Visionary: A Biography of Emanuel Swedenborg - Introduction by Dr. Jane Williams-Hogan
    • Life Lines
    • Church News
    • Announcements
  • January/February 2024 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Blessed are the Peacemakers • Swedenborg’s Wife
    • Rest for Your Soul – A Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Preparing for Eternal Life: The Role of New Church Education - A Sermon by the Rev. James P. Cooper
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Entering the Stream of Providence - The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Resurrection Address for the Rev. Daniel W. Heinrichs - The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Sr.
    • Living the Good Life: Seven Principles That Can Change the Way
    • We Live Our Lives – A book by the late Rev. Kurt H. Asplundh
    • The Making of a Modern Visionary: Emanuel Swedenborg, Eyewitness to the Apocalypse – Foreword to a Biography by the late Jane Williams-Hogan PhD
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
    • Announcements

2023 Issues

  • November/December 2023 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Eternal Christmas • Swedenborg’s Christmas
    • Letters to the Editors
    • The Greatest Gift – A Christmas Sermon by the Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • The Lord Came to Bring Us from Darkness to Light – A Christmas Sermon by the Rev. Eric H. Carswell
    • God’s Christmas Message to Elijah – The Rev. Todd J. Beiswenger
    • Behold Our Academy! – Charter Day Cathedral Address The Rev. Christopher A. Barber
    • Getting Wright, Spiritually – The Rev. Howard A. Thompson
    • From the Bishop’s Office: New Church Happenings in Brazil The Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • Life Lines
    • Church News
    • General Church Secretary Annual Report
    • Directory of the General Church Clergy
    • Announcements
    • Index for 2023
  • September/October 2023 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Solace and Sanctuary • Arguments from Appearances
    • Letters to the Editors
    • ‘Look at the Birds of the Air’ – A Sermon by the Rev. Derek P. Elphick
    • Why Some Live Long and Some Not So Long – The Rev. Robert S. Jungé
    • A Nation Under God: Living into our Equality – Leah H. Rose
    • Sex in the Spiritual World: A Paper for the Council of the Clergy – The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Smoke – The Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • Choosing to Make Bryn Athyn College the Best that It Can Be – The Rev. Eric H. Carswell, President
    • The Most Important New Church Belief – The Rev. Erik J. Buss
    • General Church Education Conference: Reconnect and Rejuvenate – Rebekah Russell and Greg Henderson
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
    • Announcement
  • July/August 2023 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Change and the Church • Free Speech and the First Amendment
    • Letter to the Editor
    • Resurrection for the Rev. Robert S. Jungé – The Rev. Lawson M. Smith
    • Can Science Help Those Who Doubt the Existence of God? – Don Ridgway
    • Our Relationship with God – or How to Comprehend the Infinite – A Sermon by the Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • When the Righteous Cry Out: The Hope and Challenge of Psalm 34 – A Sermon by the Rev. Christopher A. Barber
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Messages from the Lord that Shift Our Perspective – The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Bryn Athyn College Commencement Address: The Power of Story – Susan David de Maine
    • Academy Secondary Schools Commencement Address: Resilience and ‘Failing Forward’ – John Thygeson
    • Euthanasia: Is there a New Church Answer? – The Rev. Todd J. Beiswenger
    • Declaration of Faith and Purpose – The Rev. Justin Schorran
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
    • Announcements
  • May/June 2023 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Witness to the Revelation • The New Church is About Service
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Pilgrims in Israel: Feeling the Presence of the Lord – The Rev. Dr. Andrew M. T. Dibb
    • “There They Will See Me” – A Sermon by the Rev. Grant H. Odhner
    • To a Mountain in Galilee – The Rev. Grant H. Odhner
    • First and Second Coming: Would You Have Believed? – The Rev. Mark D. Pendleton
    • Praying and Sacrificing for the Church – The Rev. Calvin B. Heinrichs
    • Memorial Address: The Rev. Guillaume Anato – By the Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • From the Bishop’s Office: How Does Your Book of Life Read? – The Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • Education and Development of the Rational for Individuals and the Human Race – The Rev. Prescott A. Rogers
    • ‘Booting Up’ the Word – The Rev. Glenn ‘Mac’ Frazier
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
    • Announcements
  • March/April 2023 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Glory and the Power • The Theme of Betrayal in the Easter Story
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Palm Sunday: Jesus Wept for the People of Jerusalem – The Rev. Eric H. Carswell
    • 50 Years ago in New Church Life:
    • Putting Off and Putting On - An Easter Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Louis B. King
    • Stretch, Release, Breathe: How My Work Works on Me: Charter Day Theta Alpha Talk – Chara C. Daum
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Doomscrolling – The Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • Finding the New Jerusalem: Part Three of the Story of Robert Hindmarsh Compiled by Marvin Clymer
    • A Harsh God? – Ned Uber
    • Bryn Athyn Cathedral Gardens – Terry Schnarr
    • A New Index to Spiritual Experiences – The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
    • Announcements
  • January/February 2023 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials:
    • The Celestial Fire of Conscience • Five Thoughts About the Future
    • The Woman at the Well – A Sermon by the Rev. Scott I. Frazier
    • Hard Sayings: The Slow Growth of the Church – A Sermon by the Rev. Daniel Fitzpatrick
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Our Part: Living According to the Commandments – The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Our Traveling Bishops: Reports from the Rt. Revs. Peter Buss, Brad Heinrichs and David Lindrooth
    • Artfully Academic: A Profile of Bryn Athyn College – Dean Jonathan Kline
    • Marriage for Eternity? – A Paper by Bryn Athyn College Student Alisha Reid
    • Conjugial Love Study in the Academy Girls School – Kira Shadegg, Principal
    • As for Me and My House, We Will Serve the Lord – A new book by the Rt. Rev. Brad Heinrichs (Reviewed by the Rev. Dr. Ray Silverman and the Rev. Walter E. Orthwein)
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
    • Announcements

2022 Issues

  • November/December 2022 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Gratitude • The Roots of New Church Schooling
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Charter Day Cathedral Address: Humility and Confidence - The Rev. Coleman S. Glenn
    • Led by the Holy Spirit – A Christmas Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • The Word Became Flesh – A Christmas Sermon by the Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Repentance is Freeing and Joyful! - The Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • Finding the New Jerusalem: Robert Hindmarsh (Part 2), Compiled by Marvin Clymer
    • The Two Advents and Their Impact on the Human Race and Individuals - The Rev. Prescott A. Rogers
    • Life Lines
    • Church News
    • General Church Secretary Annual Report
    • Directory of the General Church Clergy
    • Announcements
    • Index for 2022
  • September/October 2022 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Propaganda • Lost and Found
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Touched by the Lord – A Sermon by the Rev. Philip B. Schnarr
    • Jesus Sees the Future – A Sermon by the Rev. Lou Synnestvedt
    • General Church Council of the Clergy Meetings – The Rev. Glenn “Mac” Frazier
    • From the Bishop’s Office: What is Truth? – The Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • In Search of Swedenborg: Pilgrimage Reflections
    • and the Power of Place – The Rev. Christopher A. Barber
    • Spirituality, Religion and Swedenborg – Dan A. Synnestvedt, PhD
    • Why We Worship – The Rev. Dr. Erik E. Sandstrom
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • July/August 2022 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Arc of Providence • The General Church and National Politics
    • Letters to the Editors
    • On Eagles’ Wings: A Sermon About the Lord’s Protection of the New Church - Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • Reading the Word – A Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • From the Bishop’s Office: The Rock That is Higher Than I – The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Bryn Athyn College Commencement Address: Prepare for Risks; Persistence and Course Changes; Your Values Are Your Best Tool – Charles M. Cole
    • Academy Secondary Schools Commencement Address: “Now It Is Permitted . . . “ – B. Erik Odhner
    • Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes: Fostering Empathy at Glencairn Museum
    • Abuse in Marriage: A Cry Out of the Silence – Susan C. Hill
    • Confessions of Faith
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • May/June 2022 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Playing to the Crowd • Deliver Us from Evil
    • Responses to “Standing for Marriage in Today’s World” – A Message from the Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr., plus letters sent to New Church Life
    • A Pastor’s Message on Healing – The Rev. Derek P. Elphick
    • Letters to the Editors
    • The Value of the New Church and Its Teachings – The Rev. Mark D. Pendleton
    • Making Peace – A Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Andrew M. T. Dibb
    • “Choose for Yourselves This Day”: Reflections on Divine Love and Sensing Life as Our Own (Part II) – The Rev. Daniel W. Goodenough
    • From the Bishop’s Office: The Beautiful Vision of the Holy City New Jerusalem – The Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • A Demon in the Air – The Rev. Howard A. Thompson
    • Update on the New Church Teacher Competencies Program – R. Scott Daum
    • The New Church Career Network: Helping People Where it Matters – Aaliya Gunther
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • March/April 2022 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Hope of the Remnant • Signs of the Times
    • Letters to the Editors
    • The Centurion’s Confession – An Easter Sermon by the Rev. James P. Cooper
    • Listening with Humility – A Sermon by the Rev. Barry C. Halterman
    • “Choose for Yourselves This Day . . . ” Reflections on Divine Love and Sensing Life as Our Own (First of Two Parts) – The Rev. Daniel W. Goodenough
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Online Community Offered by the General Church – The Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • Till Death Do Us Part vs. Forever – The Rev. Erik. J. Buss
    • The Trouble With the Old Testament – The Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • What the Writings Say About Charity – (First in a Series) Craig W. Bostock
    • Whose Wife is She? The Lord’s Confrontation with the Sadducees – The Rev. William H. Clifford
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • January/February 2022 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Change in the Mirror, Change in the Church • The Book That Made Heaven Rejoice
    • Letters to the Editors
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Standing for Marriage in Today’s World: A Church Perspective – The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Lead Us and Guide Us, Lord: The Gift of Inspiration – The Rev. John L. Odhner
    • Joy in the Journey – The Rev. Daniel Fitzpatrick
    • Divine Foresight: Miraculous and Wonderful – The Rev. Grant H. Odhner
    • Finding the New Jerusalem: Robert Hindmarsh – Compiled by Marvin B. Clymer
    • The Heavenly Doctrines and the Case For and Against Evolution – At the Same Time – The Rev. Prescott A. Rogers
    • Reflections on the Past Year: Return to Normal? – The Rev. Howard A. Thompson
    • Church News
    • Life Lines

2021 Issues

  • November/December 2021 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Christmas Counterpoint • Alone for Christmas: Is there Really a “Loneliness Epidemic”?
    • Letters to the Editors
    • The Shepherd’s Way – A Christmas Sermon by the Rev. Philip B. Schnarr
    • Why it is So Important to Turn to the Lord as Both Human and God – A Christmas Season Sermon by the Rev. Eric H. Carswell
    • Creating True Spiritual Impact in a Troubled World – Charter Day Address by the Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • Young Adults: Solving the Problem – th Rev. Jeffrey O. Smith
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Musings on Mercy and “Hard” Truths – the Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • Book Review: Prayer and Providence by the Rev. Michael D. Gladish – Reviewed by Kathy Simons
    • Book Review: Exploring the Path, Walking the Path by the Rev. Erik J. Buss – Reviewed by the Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • Redemption’s Wondrous Plan – the Rev. John Elliot
    • Two Baptisms, Two Babies, One Story – the Rev. Chuck Blair
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • September/October 2021 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Our Guiding Vision • The Last Judgment and the Sexual Revolution
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Conjugial Love: A Most Precious Gem of the New Church – A Sermon by the Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • What the Heavenly Doctrines Say About Sex and Gender – the Rev. Christopher A. Barber
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Marriage, Doctrine and Dialogue – the Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • Four Steps to Healing – A Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Andrew M. T. Dibb
    • A Call to Neighbors – the Rev. Thomas H. Rose
    • Young Adults: What’s the Real Problem? – the Rev. Jeffrey O. Smith
    • Finding the New Jerusalem: The Story of John Clowes – Howard Roth (Edited by Marvin Clymer)
    • Declaration of Faith and Statement of Purpose – the Rev. Justin E. Schorran
    • Church News
  • July/August 2021 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Gift of Innocence • Are Feelings Inborn? Can They Be Changed
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Baptism and Implanting Remains – A Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • Noah and the Dove: A Parable for Our Lives – A Sermon by the Rev. Solomon J. Keal
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Trust the Lord and Each Other – The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Bryn Athyn College Commencement Address: Be True to Your Values – Reagan Odhner
    • Academy Secondary Schools Commencement Address: Build – The Rev. Chuck Blair
    • Divine Foresight and Human Free Will – The Rev. N. Bruce Rogers
    • Memorial Day – Bruce Henderson
    • Young Adults: Do We Have a Problem? – The Rev. Jeffrey O. Smith
    • Church News
  • May/June 2021 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Our Role in Church Growth • the Long Arm of Eschaton
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Sent Out and Sent Out Again – A 19th of June Sermon – the Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • What If? – A Sermon by the Rev. Mark D. Pendleton
    • Evil From Birth? – the Rev. Daniel W. Goodenough
    • Church Growth: Expect Persecution (Last of a three-Part Series) Again – the Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • Finding the New Jerusalem: A Mysterious Writer in England Again – Marvin B. Clymer
    • From the Bishop’s Office – New Church Education Continues Uninterrupted Despite the Pandemic – the Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • Johnny Appleseed Education Center and Museum Needs Nurturing Again – the Rev. J. Clark Echols Jr.
    • The Divine Allegory – Michael A. Brown
    • Church News
  • March/April 2021 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Substance of Belonging • ‘Follow Me’
    • Letter to the Editors
    • ‘There Must be a Place’ – A Palm Sunday sermon by The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • The Veil Was Torn in Two – An Easter sermon by The Rev. Eric H. Carswell
    • Church Growth: How it Works – Second of three sermons on Church Growth — The Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Learning to be at Peace with Change — The Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • Who Do People Say that I Am? – The Rev. Dr. Andrew M. T. Dibb
    • The Human Lungs and Swedenborg – J. Daniel Heilman, MD
    • Good News from the New Christian Bible Study Project – Steve David
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • January/February 2021 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Previous Year is Under Further Review • The Principle of Vaccines
    • Bryn Athyn College Commencement: The Lessons of Adversity – Brian D. Henderson
    • Church Growth: Where it Starts (Part 1) – The Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • The Essentials of the New Church – The Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • From the Bishop’s Office – A Life Founded on the Word: A Core Value, by The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Memorial Service for the Rev. Frank S. Rose
    • Resilience: Blessing Others – The Rev. John L. Odhner
    • Swedenborg’s Efforts to Find an Audience – Alexis Vega-Singer and Jonathan S. Rose
    • Is it Safe to Speak with Spirits? – The Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • Perspectives on Providence – Erik Martin
    • Church News
    • Life Lines

2020 Issues

  • November/December 2020 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: 20/20 Vision Revisited • The Call to Children
    • Letters to the Editors
    • The Sacrifices of Obedience – A Thanksgiving Sermon by Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • Shepherds: Teaching, Leading and a Good Life – A Christmas Sermon by Rev. Mark B. Allais
    • Peace Like a River – A Sermon About the Christmas Prophecies by Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Being Affirmative to What the Lord Says by Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • Charter Day Cathedral Address: Call Upon Him While He is Near by Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Why a New Church Translation of the Word? by Rev. Andrew J. Heilman
    • The Gift and the Challenge of Reading and Understanding the Arcana Coelestia – Michael Brown
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • September/October 2020 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • New Spiritual Editor for New Church Life
    • Editorials: How Long, Lord? • Racism and the 250th Anniversary of the New Church
    • Letters to the Editor
    • Trust in the Lord and Do Good – A Sermon by The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Declarations and Revolutions – A Sermon by The Rev. Christopher A. Barber
    • The Roots of Racism – A Sermon by The Rev. Mark D. Pendleton
    • Racism: What Can I Do? – The Rev. Howard A. Thompson
    • Nurses, Sacraments and True Worship in the ICU – The Rev. Jay Barry
    • The Character and Quality of Governors – The Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Who Does the Lord Invite to Participate in the New Church? And Why Does He Invite Them? – The Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • Statement of Faith and Purpose – The Rev. Richard M. Glenn
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • July/August 2020 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorial: What Does the Lord Require of You?
    • Letters to the Editor
    • Those Who Are With Us – A Sermon by The Rev. N. Bruce Rogers
    • Laughter – A Sermon by The Rev. Derek P. Elphick
    • Resurrection Address for The Rev. Kurt Horigan Asplundh – The Rev. Kurt Hy. Asplundh
    • From the Bishop’s Office: ‘A Very Present Help in Trouble’ – The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Graduation Celebration Address: Bryn Athyn College Class of 2020 – President Brian Blair
    • The Reach of New Church Education: An Institute for Swedenborgian Studies at Bryn Athyn College – The Rev. Dr. Thane P. Glenn
    • Adventures in Evangelization on YouTube – The Rev. Todd J. Beiswenger
    • The Minecraft Academy of the New Church: Coping with Quarantine Through Creative Construction – The Rev. Christopher A. Barber
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • May/June 2020 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • A Tribute to the Rev. Kurt Ho. Asplundh The Rev. Walter E. Orthwein
    • The Most Remarkable Event in the History of the Human Race! The Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • Editorials: All Things New • The Promise and the Hope
    • Letter to the Editor
    • Seven Golden Lampstands: A Message of Hope from the Lord The Rev. Dr. Andrew M. T. Dibb
    • Walls of Crystal – The Rev. Nathan F. Cole
    • From the Bishop’s Office: Two Lessons from the Pandemic The Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • Strengthening Ourselves in the Lord – A Sermon by The Rev. Eric H. Carswell
    • Doctrinal Reflections on the Novel Coronavirus The Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • 20/20 Vision: Our Search for Truth – The Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • Mother’s Day – The Rev. John L. Odhner
    • Setting an Example – The Rev. Alan M. Cowley
    • Theistic Science Symposium – The Rev. Andrew J. Heilman
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • March/April 2020 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • General Church Retreat Cancelled Announcement
    • Editorials: Joy Cometh in the Morning • Generations of Vipers
    • Letters to the Editor
    • “Touch Me Not . . . “ – An Easter Sermon The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Sr.
    • Hope – A Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Why Do Bad Things Happen? – The Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • Appropriating Good and Evil – The Rev. James P. Cooper
    • Boynton Beach Retreat 2020: We Are All Sowers (Presentations by Chelsea Odhner, Devin Zuber, Bruce Henderson, the Rev. Alan M. Cowley and Tim Bilger)
    • From the Bishop’s Office: The Grand Human Project – The Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • State of Bryn Athyn College Address: Celebrating a Common Bond (President Brian Blair, Dean Wendy Closterman, Dean Suzanne Nelson)
    • Time and Eternity – The Rev. Louis Synnestvedt
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • January/February 2020 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Fear Not • Laying the Foundation
    • Walter Orthwein: A Fond Farewell
    • Letters to the Editors
    • From The Bishop’s Office: Mission and Values – The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Prayer for Others: New Church Teachings About the Effects of Prayer – The Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • Answers to Prayers – The Rev. Jared J. Buss
    • Family Ties – A Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • The Life-Changing Power of Order – A Sermon by the Rev. Philip B. Schnarr
    • A Reflection for the New Year on Thought, Rationality and Freedom – The Rev. Howard A. Thompson
    • Who is Swedenborg?
    • It’s Not Swedenborg’s Skull: A True Story – The Rev. Christopher A. Barber
    • As We Retreat into the Future Let Us Not Forget the Past – Michael A. Brown
    • How to Keep Young People in the Faith? – Olaf Hauptmann
    • Church News
    • Life Lines

2019 Issues

  • November/December 2019 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: "And the Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us” •The Gates of Heaven
    • A House of Worship – A Sermon by the Rev. Eric H. Carswell at the 100th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Bryn Athyn Cathedral
    • Go to Galilee – A Charter Day Cathedral Address by the Rev. Mark D. Pendleton
    • The University of the Natural World – Donnette R. Alfelt
    • Christmas Angels – The Rev. John L. Odhner
    • O Lord, Our Lord – A Christmas Sermon by the Rev. N. Bruce Rogers
    • Refrain Your Voice From Weeping, Rachel – A Christmas Sermon by the Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • A Place Provided – A Memorial Sermon for the Rev. William Ankra-Badu by The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • September/October 2019 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Deliver Us From Evil • Gaining Wisdom
    • Letters to the Editors
    • What Does the Academy Mean to Me? The Hope of the Future (Reprinted from 1968) – The Rt. Rev. Willard D. Pendleton
    • Becoming an Angel – A Sermon by the Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • The Idolatry of Logic – A Sermon by the Rev. Scott I. Frazier
    • A Brief Exposition and the Scarlet, Flowery Skies in Heaven – The Rev. Kenneth J. Alden
    • 200 Years and 100 Miles: Doctrine’s Failure to Settle the Slavery Debate in the New Church – The Rev. Christopher A. Barber
    • Book Review: Intelligent Default by the Rev. Dr. Reuben P. Bell – Reviewed by the Rev. Walter E. Orthwein
    • The Academy Yearbook Tradition – Marvin Clymer
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • July/August 2019 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Between Dream and Destiny • The Conjugial Element in All Doctrine
    • Proudly General Church: A Status Report on the General Church The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Cramming for Our Finals – The Rev. Robert S. Jungé
    • Bryn Athyn College Commencement Address: ‘Transformative’ Gregory L. Baker Ph.D.
    • Academy Secondary Schools Commencement Address: Choices, Consequences, Responsibility – Gail R. Cooper
    • Loving and Serving One’s Country – A Sermon The Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • A Song for the Sabbath Day – A Sermon by the Rev. Grant H. Odhner
    • Book Review: Rise Above It: Spiritual Development for College Students by the Rev. Dr. Ray and Star Silverman Reviewed by Dr. Kurt Frey
    • About Kingdoms, Heavens and Societies – Vance Genzlinger
    • A Layman’s Statement of Faith – Martin E. Klein
    • Church News
  • May/June 2019 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Church in the Mirror • The Woman Clothed with the Sun
    • Declarations of Faith and Purpose – The Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs and the Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • Knowing Your Path and Walking in It – An Ordination Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • From Use, in Use, for Use – An Ordination Sermon by the Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • A Project for Teachers New to New Church Educational Philosophy R. Scott Daum
    • Is Bryn Athyn College Important to the New Church? Gregory L. Baker
    • The Curse of the Dragon – A Sermon by the Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • How Do We Think About the Word? – A Sermon by the Rev. Erik J. Bus
    • A Doctrinal Framework for Giving to the Church and Academy The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Trinities, Degrees, Correspondences and Influx – Vance Genzlinger
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • March/April 2019 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: 'I Am With You Always' • 'Joy Cometh in the Morning'
    • Letters to the Editors
    • The Light of Truth – The Rev. Eric H. Carswell
    • Signs That Will Follow Those Who Believe - The Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • Why No Crosses? – The Rev. Todd J. Beiswenger
    • Tender and Powerful – The Rev. Ryan M. Sandstrom
    • Boynton Beach Retreat: Banquet Address by the Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr., and Presentations by the Rev. Eric H. Carswell, the Rev. Dr. Ray Silverman and the Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • Some Examples of the Effects of the Last Judgment - The Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • The Holy Supper: The Gate Into Heaven - The Rev. Dr. Erik E. Sandstrom
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • January/February 2019 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Gift of an Understanding Heart • Does God Know the Future?
    • Letter to the Editors
    • Memorial Address: The Rt. Rev. Alfred Acton II By the Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Sr.
    • Read the Word, Change the World – The Rev. Alan M. Cowley
    • A Yoke on the Neck: Vastation for the Sake of Good A Sermon by the Rev. Kurt Hyland Asplundh
    • The Next Generation of the Church A Sermon by the Rev. Brett D. Buick
    • Just What is the Lord Up To? – Council of the Clergy 2018 The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Interviewing the Revelator – The Rev. W. Cairns Henderson (Reprinted from 1949)
    • Book Review: A Companion to Divine Love and Wisdom by the Rev. Prescott A. Rogers. – Reviewed by the Rev. Walter E. Orthwein
    • Church News
    • Life Lines

2018 Issues

  • November/December 2018 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Meaning of Christmas • The Christmas Gift: Peace
    • The Levitical Blessing – A Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • The ONE God – A Sermon by the Rev. Ryan M. Sandstrom
    • Tell Out Your Soul
    • A Christmas Sermon by the Rev. Howard A. Thompson
    • Charter Day Cathedral Address: The Gratitude Effect - The Rev. Dr. Ray Silverman
    • Charter Day Banquet Talks: The Distinctiveness of New Church Education in the Academy Secondary Schools – Martha Hyatt Odhner, Westley Wedell, Camryn Buss, the Rev. Christopher A. Barber
    • Evolution and Religion: One Scientist’s Perspective - Justin G. Stroh, PhD
    • Book Review: A New Key to the Bible by Bruce Henderson - Reviewed by Peter H. Boericke
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
    • Directory of the General Church Clergy
    • Index for 2018
  • September/October 2018 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Simple Truth • Bittersweet • The Quiet New Church Man
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Pride, Humility and Self-Esteem — The Rev. Erik J. Buss
    • Introducing our Ministers: The Rev. Derek P. Elphick
    • Power in the Familiar — The Rev. Derek P. Elphick
    • Report on the 2018 Council of the Clergy Meeting - The Rev. James P. Cooper
    • Memorial Address: James Francis Jungé - The Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • Chapter Two: Religion Misused and Corrected—Alan J. Bedford, PhD
    • My Personal God-Image: Living Waters from the Wells of Abraham - Dylan C. Odhner
    • A Jigsaw Puzzle — Martin E. Klein
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • July/August 2018 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Leaven or Lump? • Hope
    • Thought: A Sermon About What Goes on in Your Mind — The Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • "The Writing is on the Wall" — The Rev. Solomon J. Keal
    • Bryn Athyn College Commencement: What Is Your Passion? What Are Your Gifts? — Brent Pendleton
    • Academy Secondary Schools Commencement — Bruce and Molly Cronlund
    • Academy Girls School Valedictory: Feeling Loved and Loving at ANC — Qi Rebecca Xiao
    • Preparing to be Receptive of the Lord — The Rev. Alan M. Cowley
    • Pursuing Faith — Allen Bedford, PhD
    • Declarations of Faith — The Rev. Jeffrey Smith and The Rev. Judah Synnestvedt
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • May/June 2018 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: ‘As in Heaven . . .’ • Liberty
    • Letters to the Editors
    • The Descent of the Holy City – A Sermon by the Rev. Eric H. Carswell
    • The Holy Spirit: Third of a Three-Part Series on the Trinity — The Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • Four Sacrifices, Four Prayers – A Sermon — the Rev. Scott I. Frazier
    • Memorial Address: Major General Frederick A. Fiedler (USAF-Ret.) — The Rev. Daniel W. Goodenough
    • Laborers in the Vineyard: Educating General Church Ministers Outside of Bryn Athyn –The Rev. Dr. Andrew M. T. Dibb
    • Coming Soon to a Church Near You: Robot Priests? — The Rev. Todd J. Beiswenger
    • Book Review: In the Shadow of the Dragon’s Back by Rachel Odhner Longstaff – Reviewed by the Rev. Dr. James F. Lawrence
    • The Planets Play Their Parts – Laurel O. Powell
    • Confession of Faith and Declaration of Purpose — The Rev. Mandla Stole
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • March/April 2018 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Path • ‘I Thirst’ • Stand Up to the Darkness
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Easter Symbolism – The Rev. Alan M. Cowley
    • The Son of God: Second of a Three-Part Series on the Trinity The Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • Boynton Beach Retreat: Presentations by Chara Daum, the Rev. Barry Halterman and the Rt. Rev. Thomas Kline
    • Outreach Through the Internet – Rob Andrews
    • Introducing Our Ministers: The Rev. Joel C. Glenn
    • Heavenly Union: Marriage on Earth – A Sermon by the Rev. Joel C. Glenn
    • Serving the Midst of the Opioid Crisis – The Rev. Chuck Blair
    • Attributes of a Humble Person – The Rev. David H. Lindrooth
  • January/February 2018 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: ‘The Real Jesus’ • Swedenborg and the New Church
    • Letters to the Editors
    • A Safe Crossing – A New Year’s Sermon by the Rev. Kurt Ho. Asplundh
    • Swedenborg’s Story – A Sermon by the Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • Our Heavenly Father: First of a Three-Part Series on the Trinity A Sermon by the Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • What If . . . ? – A Sermon by the Rev. Mark D. Pendleton
    • The Internal Sense of the Word – The Rev. Dr. Erik E. Sandstrom
    • The ‘Young People’ of the Church – Tomoya Okubo
    • The Journey Program: A 10-Year Report – Bronwen Mayer Henry
    • Church News

2017 Issues

  • November/December 2017 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Christmas Counterpoint • Religious Feelings: Peace • The Increase of the Earth
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Nothing is Impossible for God A Christmas Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Timeless Messages in the Word – The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation: Martin Luther, The Last Judgment and the New Church – The Rev. Dr. Andrew M. T. Dibb
    • Charter Day Address: An Opened Door to a Higher Education The Rev. Michael K. Cowley
    • The Remarkable Story of John Bigelow – The Rev. William Hyde Alden
    • New Christian Bible Study Update – Steve David
    • The Symbolism of the Psalms: A Spiritual Commentary Reviewed by the Rev. Dr. James F. Lawrence
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
    • General Church Annual Report
    • Directory of the General Church Clergy
    • Announcements
    • Index
  • September/October 2017 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Test of Power • Religious Feelings: Conjugial Love • ‘What Unites Us Is Stronger That What Divides Us’ • The Power of One Angel
    • Letter to the Editors
    • A Racist Free World – The Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • The Purpose and Value of Life in This World – A Sermon by the Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • Salvation By Means of a New Heart and a New Mind – A Sermon by the Rev. Eric H. Carswell
    • Report on the 2017 Council of the Clergy Meetings – The Rev. Kenneth J. Alden
    • European Assembly 2017 – Ray and Brenda Waters
    • A Counterattack on Darwinism – Per Bingen
    • The Earths in the Universe: Teachings, Reflections and Speculations – The Rev. Willard L. D. Heinrichs
    • The Mystery of the Prehistoric Predator – Joseph S. David
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • July/August 2017 (View pages)
    July/August 2017 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Simple Truth • Religious Feelings: Contentment
    • Letters to the Editors
    • The New Understanding of the Word – The Rev. James P. Cooper
    • The Divine Inspiration of Emanuel Swedenborg – The Rev. Geoffrey S. Childs
    • Discerning Love: The Best Way to Help – A Sermon by the Rev. John L. Odhner
    • Finding Our Lost Sheep – A Sermon by the Rev. Solomon J. Keal
    • Bryn Athyn College Commencement: Always the Right Answer – Good and Truth – Erin Glenn Busby
    • Academy Secondary Schools Commencement: Preparation for Wise Choices – Leann P. Hill
    • Conjugial Love Study in the Academy Girls School – Kira Schadegg, Principal
    • It’s Okay to be a Space Cadet: Appreciating the Power of Forgiveness – Sasha Silverman
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • May/June 2017 (View pages)
    May/June 2017 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Revelation as a Mirror • The Marriage Supper of the Lamb • Religious Feelings: Yearning and Hope
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Progress and Development of the New Church – The Rev. Willard L. D. Heinrichs
    • What News From Earth? – A Sermon by the Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • Go and Sin No More – A Sermon by the Rev. Grant H. Odhner
    • Bryn Athyn College Extends Its Reach
    • Swedenborg and the Arts International Conference
    • Indexing His Way into Further Enlightenment: Discovering Swedenborg’s Process Through Translation – The Rev. Dr. Jonathan S. Rose
    • A Daily Reading Schedule for the Arcana Coelestia
    • Finding Hope: Talking About Addiction, Suicide, Domestic Violence and Mental Illness – Bronwen M. Henry
    • Charity Works: Carrying the New Church Mission into Service in El Salvador – Tara Dugan
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • March/April 2017 (View pages)
    March/April 2017 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Roots of Easter • The Cry of Suicide • History and Divine Providence • Religious Feelings: Holy Fear and Unworthiness
    • Letters to the Editors
    • The Stones Would Immediately Cry Out – A Palm Sunday Sermon by The Rev. Eric H. Carswell
    • What the Lord Actually Accomplished by His Incarnation – The Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • Finding the Humanity in Judas Iscariot – The Rev. Christopher A. Barber
    • In Support of Mental and Spiritual Health – A Sermon by The Rev. David C. Roth
    • Coping With Grief – The Rev. David C. Roth
    • The Non-Appropriation of Evil – A Sermon by The Rev. Geoffrey H. Howard
    • Boynton Beach Retreat 2017
    • ‘Lead Us and Guide Us, Lord’ – Naomi (Scott) Reid
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • January/February 2017 (View pages)
    January/February 2017 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: With All Your Heart, and With All Your Soul • Religious Feelings: A Sense of Holiness
    • Letters to the Editors
    • How the Lord Preserves Freedom, Yet Still Leads – by Bending The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • What Can I Do? – A Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Thane P. Glenn
    • Unity Brings Progress into Every Aspect of Human Life A Sermon by the Rev. Edward Akotey
    • Why I Call Myself a Swedenborgian – The Rev. Derrick A. M. Lumsden
    • The Lord is Speaking to You – The Rev. Dr. Ray Silverman
    • Introducing Our Ministers: From Tanks and Courtrooms to the Pulpit The Rev. Brett D. Buick
    • I Am the Bread of Life – A Sermon by the Rev. Brett D. Buick
    • Book Review: The Ten Commandments
    • Church News
    • Life Lines

2016 Issues

  • November/December 2016 (View pages)
    November/December 2016 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: ‘Harps of Gold’ • The Call to Humility • Born To Be a Messenger
    • Letter to the Editors
    • Every Stone Shall Cry: A Christmas Sermon by the Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • A Horn of Salvation in the House of David – The Rev. Kurt Hy. Asplundh
    • This Changes Everything – Charter Day Cathedral Address – The Rev. Stephen D. Cole
    • Memorial Address: The Rev. Norman E. Riley – The Rev. Walter E. Orthwein
    • The Miracle and the Theology of Handel’s Messiah – The Rev. Dr. Erik E. Sandstrom
    • The New Christian Bible Study Project: How’s it Going? – Steve David
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
    • General Church Annual Report
    • Directory of the General Church Clergy
    • Index 2016
  • September/October 2016 (View pages)
    September/October 2016 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done • Labor Day
    • Letters to the Editors
    • The Gift of Inspiration – A Sermon by the Rev. John L. Odhner
    • Greater Engagement: A Plan for the General Church – The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Friendship – A Sermon by the Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • General Church Religion Lessons and the General Church – Sarah B. Odhner
    • Introducing Our Ministers: Changed by Faith and Paying it Forward: – The Rev. Christopher A. Barber
    • Considering Conscience – A Sermon by the Rev. Christopher A. Barber
    • Book Review: Growth Pains and Pleasures By the Rev. Frank S. Rose, – Reviewed by Bronwen M. Henry
    • Prayer’s Role in the Salvation of our Soul – The Rev. Kurt P. Nemitz
    • The Character and Possible Uses of the Spiritual Diary/ Spiritual Experiences – The Rev. Willard L. D. Heinrichs
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • July/August 2016 (View pages)
    July/August 2016 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Rights and Responsibilities • The Pursuit of Happiness
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Be Fruitful and Multiply – The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Loving One’s Country and Disagreements – The Rev. Eric H. Carswell
    • Purposefulness: Bryn Athyn College Graduation Banquet Address - Dr. Allen J. Bedford
    • Feeling the Flow of the Lord’s Love: Academy Secondary Schools Commencement Address – The Rev. J. Clark Echols
    • The Future of the Christian Church and a Prediction of its Interaction With the New Church – Craig W. Bostock
    • Book Review: The Abridged Arcana Coelestia – By Dr. Willard Mansfield – Reviewed by the Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Sr.
    • Swedenborg Library: Carroll Chamberlain Odhner – A Retrospective
    • The Sound of Infinity – The Rev. Stephen D. Cole
    • Jonathan Hanford Olds: A Legacy for the Future – Judith A. Lopacki
    • Declarations of Faith and Statements of Purpose
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • May/Jun 2016 (View pages)
    May/Jun 2016 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Promise and the Challenge • The Election
    • Letters to the Editors
    • The New Church and the Nicodemus Tension – The Rev. Christopher A. Barber
    • Memorial Day Address – The Rev. Thomas H. Rose
    • Letting Love Be Our Spiritual Clothing – The Rev. Jared J. Buss
    • Memorial Address: The Rev. Douglas McCloud Taylor – The Rev. Walter E. Orthwein
    • Surely We Are Not Swedenborgians! – The Rev. Gerald G. Waters
    • Does the Lord Want You to Join the Church Organization? – The Rev. Kenneth J. Alden
    • Redemption and Reading the Heavenly Doctrines – The Rev. William H. Clifford
    • How Do We Love God? – The Rev. Charles E. (Chuck) Blair
    • Emanuel Swedenborg and the Popol Vuh: The Myth of the Ancient Word – Dylan C. Odhner
    • Classical New Church Journals Find Life in a Digital Age – Marvin B. Clymer
  • Mar/Apr 2016 (View pages)
    Mar/Apr 2016 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: How Can We Believe in the Lord’s Resurrection? • Our Walk to Emmaus • ‘What is Wrong With It?’
    • Letters to the Editors
    • The Final Victory Over Hell – A Sermon by the Rev. James P. Cooper
    • The Eternity of Marriage – A Sermon by the Rev. Brett D. Buick
    • Boynton Beach Retreat 2016: A Summary of Presentations by Dr. Martha Gyllenhaal, the Rev. Mark D. Pendleton and Curtis Childs
    • Boynton Beach Banquet Address: – Bryn Athyn College President Brian Blair
    • Memorial Address for B. Reade Genzlinger – The Rev. Kurt Hy. Asplundh
    • A Stumbling Block to Sharing Our Faith – The Rev. Kenneth J. Alden
    • The Right Guy for the Bad Times, Or the Plastic Bag Diet – Nadine Rogers
    • Introducing Our Ministers: Leading Tours Leads to the Ministry – The Rev. Nathan F. Cole
    • It Gets Worse Before it Gets Better – A Sermon by the Rev. Nathan F. Cole
    • What is Leadership From a New Church Perspective? – The Rev. Derrick A. M. Lumsden
  • Jan/Feb2016 (View pages)
    Jan/Feb 2016 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: On Young People Leaving the Church — But What Can We Do? — The Case for Optimism
    • The Growth of the Lord – A Sermon by the Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • Contempt or Rebellion on the Way to Maturity – A Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Sr.
    • Looking Down on Others – A Children’s Talk by the Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Sr.
    • Memorial Address for Dr. Sherri R. Cooper – The Rev. Dr. Jonathan S. Rose
    • Small Groups in the New Church – The Rev. John L. Odhner
    • Episcopal Visit to Brazil – The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Two Kinds of Zeal – The Rev. Dr. Ray Silverman
    • Islam, Swedenborg and the Heavenly Doctrines – Benjamin Pendleton
    • Gifts from the Lord – Joseph S. David
    • Church News
    • Life Lines

2015 Issues

  • Nov/Dec 2015 (View pages)
    Nov/Dec 2015 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Practicing Thankfulness • The Gift of Light • The Pope and the New Church
    • Letters to the Editors
    • We Found Him in the Fields of the Forest – A Sermon by the Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • Grace and Gratitude – The Rev. Dr. Andrew M. T. Dibb
    • Take Flight – Charter Day Cathedral Address: The Rev. David C. Roth
    • Bryn Athyn College Charter Day Banquet Program: Innovation in Learning About Democracy
    • As in Heaven, So Upon the Earth: Reflections on the Lord’s Prayer – The Rev. Dr. Ray Silverman
    • Introducing Our Ministers: The Rev. Solomon J. Keal
    • The Magi – A Sermon by the Rev. Solomon J. Keal
    • Reflections on Life at the Theological School – Dean Andrew M. T. Dibb
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
    • General Church Clergy Directory
    • Index 2015
  • Sept/Oct 2015 (View pages)
    Sept/Oct 2015 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: What Are We Looking For? — The Gift of Spiritual Knowledge — The Use of Knowing
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Seeing the Lord in the Word – A Sermon by the Rev. John L. Odhner
    • Friendship in Marriage – A Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • The Marriage of Love and Wisdom: A Response to the Same-Sex Marriage Ruling in the United States – The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Report on the 2015 Council of the Clergy Meetings – The Rev. Kenneth J. Alden
    • Episcopal Visit to Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso – The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • The Love Languages of the Lord – Caira Bevan Bongers
    • Introducing Our Ministers: The Rev. Calvin A. Odhner
    • We Are All Born Blind – A Sermon by the Rev. Calvin A. Odhner
    • True Freedom – A Sermon by the Rev. Ryan M. Sandstrom
    • Ready to Grow? Come to the Sunroom – Kendall Hyatt
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • Jul/Aug 2015 (View pages)
    Jul/Aug 2015 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Why New Church Education? — Organized Religion
    • Letters to the Editors
    • The Pass-Fail Test the Lord has Presented to Every Church Down Through the Ages – The Rev. Willard L. D. Heinrichs
    • Reflections on Suicide – The Rev. John L. Odhner
    • The Earth Helped the Woman – The Rev. Kenneth J. Alden
    • Laying Down Our Lives for Our Friends – A Sermon by the Rev. Todd J. Beiswenger
    • States Preceding Repentance – A Sermon by the Rev. Scott I. Frazier
    • The Beauty of Imperfection – The Rev. Walter E. Orthwein
    • Bryn Athyn College Commencement Address: The Keys to a Purpose-Driven Life – Brian Blair
    • Farewell to the Graduating Class – President Kristin King
    • Academy Secondary Schools Commencement: A Totally Unique Tool Box – The Rev. Calvin and Maggie Odhner
    • Introducing Our Ministers: Becoming a Minister . . . Because I Had No Other Choice – The Rev. Alan M. Cowley
    • Church and the Human Form – A Sermon by the Rev. Alan M. Cowley
    • It’s Gettin’ Real: Small Group Systems Retreat 2015 – Sasha Silverman
    • Declarations of Faith and Purpose
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • May/Jun 2015 (View pages)
    May/Jun 2015 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: ‘The Bright and Morning Star — "There Was War in Heaven"
    • Letters to the Editors
    • A New Look at Governance Issues in the General Church – The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • The New Jerusalem – A Sermon by the Rev. Malcolm G. Smith
    • What is New About the New Church? – The Rev. Daniel W. Goodenough
    • The Rim of Gold –A Sermon by the Rev. James H. (Jay) Barry
    • Freedom to be New Church – A Sermon by the Rev. Howard A. Thompson
    • A Wake-Up Call: Will the General Church Survive and Thrive?Peter H. Boericke
    • Reflections on a Gift of '95 Theses' – The Rev. Dr. Ray Silverman
    • Introducing Our Ministers: A Ministry Born of Loving PeopleThe Rev. C. Mark Perry
    • Plane Kindness – The Rev. Coleman S. Glenn
    • Book Review: V as in Victor, by Naomi Gladish Smith, reviewed by Vera Powell Glenn
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • Mar/Apr 2015 (View pages)
    Mar/Apr 2015(PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: ‘All Things New’ — Love’s ‘Commands’ — Hard Sayings: Homosexuality and Gay Marriage — Guest Editorial: Reflections on Paris
    • Letters to the Editors
    • The Walk to Emmaus – A Sermon by the Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • Heaven is an Attitude – A Sermon by the Rev. Mark D. Pendleton
    • Boynton Beach Retreat 2015 – Bruce Henderson
    • What is New Church Education and Why Should We Care? Part Two –The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Extraordinary Ordinary Moments: What Ten Weeks Volunteering in Kenya Taught Me – Cailin Elphick
    • Women Priests: Freedom and Providence – Chelsea Rose Odhner
    • Women and the Ministry: Leading Must Come from the Word –The Rev. Lawson M. Smith
    • Why Join the General Church? – The Rev. N. Bruce Rogers
    • What the Word Says About Homosexuality – The Rev. Willard L. D. Heinrichs
    • The Christian Case for Traditional Marriage – The Rev. Kurt P. Nemitz
    • Priorities in Parenting – The Rev. Derrick A. M. Lumsden
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • Jan/Feb 2015 (View pages)
    Jan/Feb 2015  (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Editorials: Diligently to Read… — New Church Virtues: Masculinity and Femininity
    • Letters to the Editors
    • A New Beginning – A New Year’s Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Andrew M. T. Dibb
    • Building Spiritual Reserves – A Sermon by the Rev. David H. Lindrooth
    • The Mystery of Swedenborg’s Rules of Life – The Rev. Dr. Erik E. Sandstrom
    • What is New Church Education and Why Should We Care? The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Love in the Celestial Spheres: Seeing Our Relationships in Earth,Moon and Sun – E. Kent Rogers
    • How the Academy/General Church Was First Launched in England in 1874 – Patrick L. Johnson
    • Helping Children in Crisis in Kenya: Proud to be a Part of this Work – Kay R. Alden
    • Introducing Our Ministers: Spiritual ‘Genes’ With a Personal Fit – The Rev. Erik J. Buss
    • Expanding Your Wisdom and Influence – A Sermon by the Rev. Erik J. Buss
    • An Interview with Donnette R. Alfelt: My Changing View on Women in the Ministry
    • A Website for Papers on Gender Issues in the Church
    • Book Review: Spiritual Law: The Essence of Swedenborg’s Divine Providence, by Joanna V. Hill, reviewed by Roslyn Taylor
    • Church News
    • Life Lines

2014 Issues

  • Nov/Dec 2014 (View pages)
    Nov/Dec 2014  (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Gender and the Church — The Beautiful Story of the Lord’s Advent — New Church Virtues: Trust in Providence
    • Statement About Gender and Clergy – The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Responses to the Bishop’s Statement – Michelle Chapin and Kristin Coffin Daum
    • His Mercy Endures Forever – The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • The Name ‘Jesus’ – A Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • His Covenant Forever: All Things New – Charter Day Cathedral Address by the Rev. Dr. Thane P. Glenn
    • Introducing Our Ministers: A Christmas Gift for a Spiritual Quest – The Rev. Goran R. Appelgren
    • Seeing Life on Three Levels – A Sermon by the Rev. Goran R. Appelgren
    • Book Reviews: Feeding His Flock: Parenting Preschoolers by the Rev. Robert S. Junge, reviewed by Kathy Grant Schrock; Altruism: Many Kinds of Kindness by Soni S. Werner PhD, reviewed by Karin A. Childs
    • Helping Hands – Bryn Athyn College’s Altruism Class Shares Their Experiences of Serving
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • Sep/Oct 2014 (View pages)
    Sep/Oct 2014 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Choose This Day — War and Peace — New Church Virtues: Spirituality
    • Our Unique Planet – The Rev. Stephen D. Cole
    • Report on the 2014 Ministers Meetings – The Rev. Kenneth J. Alden
    • Fishing on the Right Side of the Boat – A Sermon by the Rev. Erik J. Buss
    • Needs and Deeds – Sasha Silverman
    • A Light Burden – A Sermon by the Rev. Eric H. Carswell
    • How Can We Believe? – The Rev. Coleman S. Glenn
    • ‘The Lord is Smiling on the Church in Kenya’ – The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Introducing Our Ministers: From Landscaping to Planting Spiritual Seeds – The Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • ‘Do Not Worry About Tomorrow’ – A Sermon by the Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • Book Review: – Osteopathy and Swedenborg by David Fuller, DO, reviewed by the Rev. Dr. Reuben P. Bell, DO; The Triune Word by the Rev. Prescott A. Rogers, reviewed by the Rev. Walter E. Orthwein
    • Declarations of Faith and Purpose
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • Jul/Aug 2014 (View pages)
    Jul/Aug 2014 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Authority of the Writings — Trust and Optimism — New Church Virtues: Uniting Charity and Faith
    • Letter to the Editors
    • The Promise of a New Day – A Sermon by the Rev. James H. (Jay) Barry
    • Externalize the Lies: Legion and the Pigs – A Sermon by the Rev. Solomon J. Keal
    • Bryn Athyn College Commencement
    • Memorial Service for the Rev. Leslie Sheppard – The Rev. Ian A. Arnold
    • Memorial Service for Morna Hyatt – The Rev. Eric H. Carswell
    • Episcopal Visit to South Africa – The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Introducing Our Ministers: Lessons from Fathers of the Road to the Ministry – The Rev. Todd J. Beiswenger
    • Mastering the Basics – A Sermon by the Rev. Todd J. Beiswenger
    • Theta Alpha International Lives On!
    • Declarations of Faith and Purpose
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • May/Jun 2014 (View pages)
    May/Jun 2014 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: The Birth, and Perpetual Rebirth, of the New Church — Unique in the World — New Church Virtues: Hope — Our New Church Vocabulary
    • Letters to the Editors
    • The Date of June 19th – The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Celebrating New Church Marriages – The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Woman, Behold Thy Son: A Mother’s Day Sermon – The Rev. Dr. Andrew M. T. Dibb
    • Noah’s Ark: The Real Story – The Rev. Dr. Erik E. Sandstrom
    • Remembering the Lord’s Life – The Rev. Coleman S. Glenn
    • Introducing Our Ministers: A Purveyor of Hope – The Rev. Mark D. Pendleton
    • Little By Little: Spiritual Rebirth is a Gradual Process – Sermon by the Rev. Mark D. Pendleton
    • Small Groups in the New Church – The Rev. John L. Odhner
    • Some Thoughts for the New Church – Karl Birjukov
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • Mar/Apr 2014 (View pages)
    Mar/Apr 2014 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Death With Dignity: Reflections on Good Friday — Stirring Things Up at Easter — New Church Virtues: Prudence and Trust in Providence
    • Letters to the Editors
    • The Priesthood and Gender: The Clergy Process for Reappraisal – The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Easter Message: ‘That Which Reigns Universally’ – The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Not Going Beyond What God has Spoken: What Guides Policy in the General Church? – The Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • ‘For He is Risen’ – A Sermon by the Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • Boynton Beach Retreat – Bruce Henderson
    • Boynton Beach Retreat Banquet Address: Bryn Athyn College – Dr. Kristin King, President
    • Introducing Our Ministers: Focusing on the ‘Big Picture’ in Religion – The Rev. Barry C. Halterman
    • Palm Sunday: A Different Kind of Kingdom, a Different Kind of King – A Sermon by the Rev. Barry C. Halterman
    • A Search for the Truth – Doug Webber
    • Another Way to Look at Women in the Priesthood – The Rev. Robert S. Junge
    • My Ministry of Care – Tryn Rose Seley
    • General Church Education: 80,000 and Counting… – Rachel Glenn
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • Jan/Feb 2014 (View pages)
    Jan/Feb 2014 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: ‘Influenced by Swedenborg’ — Life and the Church — New Church Virtues: Humility
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Charter Day – Its Celebration and Meaning – Chancellor Brian W. Keith
    • Glencairn Museum: Enriching the Academy’s Mission ~ Embracing the Challenge to Extend Its Reach – Brian D. Henderson
    • What Does it Mean to Be a Human Being? – A Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Ray Silverman
    • Seeing Patterns – A New Year’s Sermon by the Rev. Eric H. Carswell
    • Distinctiveness in the Academy Girls School: An Update – Susan O. Odhner
    • A New Blog by the Rev. Frank S. Rose
    • Kenya Theological School Graduation – Talks by the Rev. Dr. Andrew M. T. Dibb, the Rev. Grant H. Odhner, Brother George Magero, and the Rev. Samson Abuga
    • What the Young People Are Saying – Rachel Buss
    • What is the Opportunity in Change? – The Rev. Charles (Chuck) E. Blair
    • Stepping Up as Leading Men – The Rev. Mark B. Allais
    • The Inspiration of the Navy SEALs – Bonnie G. Frazier
    • Women in the Clergy: A Response – Al Lindsay
    • What is the Future of Theta Alpha International? A Proposal
    • Church News
    • Life Lines

2013 Issues

  • Nov/Dec 2013 (PDF not available)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Harvest Time - Season of Light, Season of Hope - New Church Virtues: Chastity
    • Joseph: Looking for the Lord in Other People – A Sermon by the Rev. Solomon J. Keal
    • Preparing for Advent: Are You Ready? – The Rev. Emily Jane Lemole
    • Three Perspectives on the Advent – E. Kent Rogers
    • Ordinations in West Africa – The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Ivory Coast Graduation: The Gift of Innocence – The Rev. Goran R. Appelgren
    • Playing a New Church Trump Card: The New Christian Bible Study Project – Steve David
    • Introducing Our Ministers: The Rev. Howard A. Thompson
    • ‘And Who Is My Neighbor?’ – A Sermon by the Rev. Howard A. Thompson
    • The Meaning of Numbers – The Rev. Alan M. Cowley
    • Seven Publications in Seven Months – The Rev. John E. Elliott
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • Sept/Oct 2013 (View pages)
    Inside this issue:

    • A Message and News from the Bishop’s Office – The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Editorials: New Church Virtues: Reverence — Holy Ignorance — Why the Academy Has Received Such Support — The Life of Choice
    • Letter to the Editors
    • Follow Me – A Sermon by the Rev. James H. (Jay) Barry
    • Gender and the Priesthood of the New Church in the 21st Century – A Paper by the Rev. N. Bruce Rogers
    • Innocence in Children and Adults – A Worship Talk by the Rev. Solomon J. Keal
    • ‘Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve’ – Last of a three-part series by the Rev. Grant H. Odhner
    • One Nation Under God – Independence Day Address by Peter H. Boericke
    • ‘We Hold These Truths’: Our Country’s Religious Roots – Review of a Booklet by the Rev. Robert S. Junge
    • Leaving – An Address to Bryn Athyn College Graduates – Allen J. Bedford, PhD
    • ‘Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Do’ – The Rev. J. Clark Echols
    • The Way Things Seem – The Rev. Frederick C. Elphick
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • July/Aug 2013 (View pages)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: ‘Seek Peace And Pursue It’ — The Spirit of the Academy — The Vision and Mission of the Academy — New Church Virtues: Introspection
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Declarations of Faith and Purpose
    • Faith and Purpose – A Talk by the Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr. on his Ordination into the Third Degree of the Priesthood
    • The Power of Parables – A Sermon by the Rev. Jeremy F. Simons
    • Go Up, You Baldhead! – A Sermon by the Rev. James P. Cooper
    • The Confidence to Make a Difference – Bryn Athyn College Commencement Address by the Rev. Eric H. Carswell
    • A Coach and a Winning Team – Academy Secondary Schools Commencement Address by Cory B. Boyce
    • ‘Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve’ – Second of a three-part series by the Rev. Grant H. Odhner
    • The Challenge of Pornography – Second of a two-part series by the Rev. Robert S. Junge
    • Introducing Our Ministers: The Rev. Ryan M. Sandstrom
    • Filling After Jehovah – A Sunday Family Talk by the Rev. Ryan M. Sandstrom
    • Episcopal Trip to West Africa – The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Report of the Asia/Pacific Regional Clergy Meetings – The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Helping Children in Crisis – Wade W. Buick
    • Beyond Marriage, Money and Mortgages: Making Meaningful Connections With Young and New People – Bronwen M. Henry
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • May/Jun 2013 (View pages)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Patience and Trust — ‘Toward a New Church University’ — ‘Lead Us Not Into Temptation’ — New Church Virtues: Seriousness
    • An Overview of the Whole Book of Revelation – A Sermon by the Rev. Michael D. Gladish
    • The Five Commandments – A Sermon by the Rev. John L. Odhner
    • ‘Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve’ – First of a three-part series by The Rev. Grant H. Odhner
    • The Insidious Threat of Pornography – First of a two-part series by the Rev. Robert S. Junge
    • Bryn Athyn College: A Crucible Moment – Dr. Kristin King, President
    • Introducing Our Ministers: The Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’ – A Sermon by the Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
    • Impact 365: Ministering to the Missing Generation – Sasha Silverman
    • Regional Clergy Meetings: Western United States – The Rev. Ethan D. McCardell
    • Growth of the Female Mind: Sincerity and Severity: Book Summary – Dr. Soni S. Werner
    • Growth of the Female Mind: Sincerity and Severity: Book Review by Karin A. Childs
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • Mar/Apr 2013 (View pages)
    Inside this issue:

    • Announcement of Assistant to the Bishop
    • Editorials: ‘His Going Forth is as the Dawn’ — ‘Deliver Us From Evil’ — New Church Virtues: Sincerity
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Unless a Grain of Wheat Dies – An Easter Sermon by the Rev. Grant H. Odhner
    • Does the Lord Always Get What He Wants? – A Sermon by the Rev. Eric H. Carswell
    • The Church and the Laity – A Study for the Council of the Clergy by the Rev. Derek P. Elphick
    • Eldergarten 2013 – Bruce M. Henderson
    • Eldergarten Presentations: Brian D. Henderson, the Rev. George D. McCurdy and the Rev. Dr. Ray J. Silverman
    • How the Light Gets In – Eldergarten Banquet Address: The Rev. Emily Jane A. Lemole
    • The Exciting Emerging Church in Cuba – The Rev. Göran R. Appelgren
    • Introducing Our Ministers: The Rev. Malcolm G. Smith
    • ‘As We Also Forgive Our Debtors’ – A Sermon by the Rev. Malcolm G. Smith
    • The Fabric of Consciousness or Jesus Christ? – The Rev. Ronald D. (Ronnie) Schnarr
    • Book Review – True Christianity, Volume 2, New Century Edition – Reviewed by the Rev. Dr. Thane P. Glenn
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • Jan/Feb 2013 (View pages)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: A Test of Character; New Light on Virtue; The Innocence of Wisdom; Tragedy, The Lord, and Christmas Love
    • The Enduring Purpose of New Church Life – The Rev. W. Cairns Henderson
    • Letters to the Editors
    • A Message from the Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Waking Up to Eternal Life – A Sermon by the Rev. Kenneth J. Alden
    • Little by Little: Our Slow Spiritual Growth A Sermon by the Rev. Erik J. Buss
    • The Word of the Lord Goes West – Vera P. Glenn
    • Who Trusts in the Lord Shall Be as a Tree Planted by the Waters: Part III – E. Kent Rogers
    • The Eternity of the Hells – The Rev. Willard L. D. Heinrichs
    • Hyperbole in Revelation – The Rev. Stephen D. Cole
    • The Apocalypse of John: Paintings by G. Roland Smith – Stephen H. Morley
    • Impact 365: Ministering to the Missing Generation – General Church Outreach
    • The Path of Integrity – The Rev. Solomon J. Keal
    • Developments in the Ivory Coast – The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Preparing a Place – Alanna Rose
    • Book Reviews: The Core of Johnny Appleseed – Reviewed by Sylvia Montgomery Shaw; Ghost Brother Angel – Reviewed by Peter H. Boericke
    • Church News
    • Life Lines

2012 Issues

    • Nov/Dec 2012 (View pages)
      Inside this issue:

      • Editorials: O Give Thanks . . . — Being Thankful for Having a Church To Go To — Silent Night — Mint
      • Letters to the Editors
      • The Dayspring From on High – Sermon by the Rev. Walter E. Orthwein
      • A Little Child Shall Lead Them: Innocence and Peace at Christmas – A Sermon by the Rev. Coleman S. Glenn
      • Charter Day Cathedral Address – The Rev. Eric H. Carswell
      • Spiritual Economics – The Rev. Kurt Ho. Asplundh
      • ‘The Crown of All Churches’: What Does That Mean? – The Rev. Thane P. Glenn
      • Introducing Our Ministers: The Rev. Garry B. Walsh
      • Seeing Ourselves in the Parable of the Mustard Seed – A Sermon by the Rev. Garry B. Walsh
      • In the World But Not of It – The Rev. Norman E. Riley
      • A Church Specific or The Lord’s Church . . . Specifically – Fran Raymond
      • A Parable of God’s Gifts – The Rev. William H. Clifford
      • Book Reviews: A Descriptive Biography of the Works of Emanuel Swedenborg; Swedenborg and Osteopathy
      • Church News
      • Life Lines
      • Annual Report of the Secretary of the General Church
      • Directory of the General Church Clergy
      • Index for 2012
    • Sept/Oct 2012 (View pages)
      Sept/Oct 2012 (PDF)
      Inside this issue:

      • Editorials: Defining Marriage — Redefining Marriage — ‘I Grieved in Spirit’ — The Distinctiveness of New Church Gender Education
      • Letters to the Editors
      • ‘Render to God’: Religion and the Civil State – A Sermon by the Rev. N. Bruce Rogers
      • The Challenge of making Conjugial Love Relevant in Today’s Classroom – Susan O. Odhner
      • Brothers Dwelling in Unity: A Worship Talk for the Council of the Clergy – The Rev. Lawson M. Smith
      • Report of the Council of the Clergy – The Rev. Kenneth J. Alden
      • Who Trusts in the Lord Shall be as a Tree Planted by the Waters: Second Of a Three-Part Series: – E. Kent Rogers
      • Amen, The Sound of Truth – The Rev. Stephen D. Cole
      • Introducing Our Ministers: The Rev. Matthew L. Genzlinger
      • Believing in the Heavenly Doctrine – An Article by the Rev. Matthew L. Genzlinger
      • What Do We have in Common With Other Christians? – The Rev. Solomon J. Keal
      • New Church Teachings Put to the Test – Candice Edmunds
      • Our Attitude Toward Evil – Tom David
      • Church News
      • Life Lines
    • July/August 2012 (View pages)
      Inside this issue:

      • The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith Nominated as Executive Bishop
      • Editorials: Change and the Church; Reverence for Nature; Spiritual Environmentalism
      • Letters to the Editors
      • Time, Space and Conscience – A Sermon by the Rev. Goran R. Appelgren
      • New Heaven and New Earth – The Rev. Norman E. Riley
      • Bryn Athyn College Commencement Address: Once in a Lifetime – Stephen H. Smith, MD
      • Bryn Athyn College Commencement Farewell – President Kristin King
      • Academy Secondary Schools Commencement Address: Be a Role Model for Marriage, for Passion and for Courage – Shawn O. Synnestvedt
      • Spiritual Sustainability – John Frost
      • Response to Spiritual Sustainability – The Rev. Derrick A.M. Lumsden
      • Who Trusts in the Lord Shall be as a Tree Planted by the Waters: First of a Three-Part Series – E. Kent Rogers
      • Introducing Our Ministers: Rev. Ethan D. McCardell
      • Offering What Works – A Sermon by the Rev. Ethan D. McCardell
      • Episcopal Trip to Korea and Japan – The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
      • Declarations of Faith
      • New Church Near-Death Experiences – Kesley Coffin
      • Bronze Bust of Emanuel Swedenborg Reinstalled in Chicago – Ed Gyllenhaal
      • Classic New Church Journal Enters the Digital Age
      • Book Review: 12 Miracles of Spiritual Growth – The Rev. Dr. Ray L. Silverman
      • Church News
      • Life Lines
  • May/June 2012(PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Conjugial Love: Ideal and Real • The Call to Stewardship • Scylla and Charybdis
    • Letter to the Editors
    • Update on Selection Process for the Next Executive Bishop
    • 19th of June Message: John’s Vision of the Lord – The Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline
    • The White Horse: The Lord, the Church, and the Understanding of the Word – A Sermon by the Rev. Jay Barry
    • The Gift of Stewardship: A Summary of a Book by the Rev. Chauncey Giles
    • New Church Education: Forming the Vessel, Lighting the Fire – Rachel Glenn
    • Communion – The Rev. John L. Odhner
    • Oh, Sing to the Lord a New Song! – Peter H. Boericke
    • How the Human Was Made Divine, or What Happened to the Body? A Correct New Church Christology – The Rev. Dr. Erik E. Sandstrom
    • Introducing Our Ministers: The Rev. Brian D. Smith
    • Being Naked: Moving Through Shame in Spiritual Growth – The Rev. Brian D. Smith
    • Why Swedenborgians Need to Pay Attention to the Emergent Movement – BMK
    • Impact 365: Opportunities for Outreach – Sasha Silverman
    • Journey Program 2012-13: The Path of Integrity – Office of Outreach
    • Finding Your Roots: New Church Ancestry on Prime-Time National PBS – Ed Gyllenhaal
    • Searching for Mary Magdalene: Book Summary – Soni S. Werner, PhD
    • Searching for Mary Magdalene: Book Review – Emily Jane Lemole
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • March/April 2012(PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorials: Easter Pilgrims • Miracles and the Laws of Nature • A Day to Remember • A Good Starting Point
    • Letters to the Editors
    • Divine Providence and Human Prudence in the Establishment of the Church — Rt. Rev. George de Charms (An Address from 1957)
    • An Enduring Perspective on New Church Education — E. Bruce Glenn (1948)
    • Ezekiel’s Vision of the Dry Bones: Chancellor’s Report — Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline
    • The Lilies of the Field — A Sermon by Rev. Walter E. Orthwein
    • Eldergarten 2012: The State of the Church and the Academy — Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline
    • Summary of Presentations by the Rt. Rev. Alfred Acton, the Rev. Prescott A. Rogers and Dr. Sylvia Montgomery Shaw — Compiled by Bruce M. Henderson
    • Banquet Address: Between Dream and Destiny, New Church Exceptionalism and American Exceptionalism — Bruce M. Henderson
    • The Human Soul and the Computer — Thomas R. Cooper
    • Introducing Our Ministers: Rev. Scott I. Frazier
    • Bring All Your Firepans — Charter Day Cathedral Address by Rev. Scott I. Frazier
    • MARS: A Platform for Church Growth — Dr. Jane Williams-Hogan
    • A Taste for Sweetness — Alanna Rose
    • Pillars of Our Institutions: People Making a Difference — Judith A. Lopacki
    • In Defense of Man — Fran Raymond
    • Book Reviews
    • Church News
    • Life Lines
  • January/February 2012(PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • In this Issue
    • Editorials: Who was Emanuel Swedenborg? - Swedenborg and God's Gift
    • Letter to the Editors
    • The Budding New Church in India – Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
    • Declaration of Faith – Peter Devassy
    • The Importance of Remembering the Sabbath – Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs
    • Homosexuality and the Image of God – A Sermon by Rev. Kenneth J. Alden
    • New Church Education on the Edge – Charter Day Banquet Address: The Rev. Dr. Thane Glenn
    • Student Testimonials – Religion 101: Introduction to New Church Doctrines
    • Is There Such a Thing as New Church Science? – Dr. Sherri L. Cooper
    • The ‘Shift’ in Religion and Science – Dr. Gregory L. Baker
    • Introducing Our Ministers: Rev. Charles E. (Chuck) Blair
    • The Partnership Model for a Healthy Church – Rev. Chuck Blair
    • If the Second Coming Happened, Why is There Still so Much Dysfunction in the World? – Rev. Ronald D. (Ronnie) Schnarr
    • Swedenborg and Islam – William L. Weaver
    • Book Review: The Hidden Levels of the Mind: Swedenborg’s Theory of Consciousness – by Rev. Douglas M. Taylor – Reviewed by Dr. Erland J. Brock

2011 Issues

    • November/December 2011(PDF)
      Inside this issue:

      • Editorials: Faith and Opportunity — Ponder These Things in Your Heart — The Man Who Saved the World — Care for the Morrow
      • Letter to the Editors
      • Resurrection Service for Mauro de Padua – The Rev. Andrew J. Heilman
      • Some Aspects of Happiness – The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith
      • The Annunciation: The Importance of Mary’s Role in the Lord’s Coming – A sermon by the Rev. Eric H. Carswell
      • The Ball is in Your Court – The Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr.
      • Introducing Our Ministers: The Rev. Mac Frazier
      • A New Christianity – A sermon by the Rev. Mac Frazier
      • Integrating Science and Spirituality – George Gantz
      • Council of the Clergy Meetings – The Rev. Kenneth J. Alden
      • Church News
      • Life Lines
      • Annual Report of the Secretary of the General Church
      • Directory of General Church Clergy
    • September/October 2011(PDF)
      Inside this issue:

      • Editorials: New Church Education: The Hope of the World • What About the ‘What Abouts’ • The Verdict Is . . . (To Be Continued)
      • Letter to the Editors
      • Prayer – A sermon by the Rev. Göran R. Appelgren
      • Concerns About the Holy Supper – The Rev. Michael D. Gladish
      • General Church Translation: Why Are We Doing It? – The Rev. N. Bruce Rogers
      • Introducing Our Ministers: The Rev. Derrick A. M. Lumsden
      • The Sower: Three Ways Not to Hear The Lord – A Sermon by Rev. Derrick A. M. Lumsden
      • A Profound Freedom Supported by New Church Education – The Rev. Eric H. Carswell
      • Hard Decisions – Dr. Gregory L. Baker
      • Thoughts on Giving from a New Church Perspective – Wayne M. Parker
      • Our Own New Church 800-Pound Gorilla – James F. Jungé
      • Dreams – Helen Kennedy
      • General Assembly Workshop Summaries
      • New Church Journey Programs – Burgandy Alden Smith
      • Church News
      • Life Lines
      • New Initiative Aims to Share the Internal Sense Online – Brian David
    • July/August 2011(PDF)
      Inside this issue:

      • Editorials : Is God’s Love Really ‘Unconditional’?—The Reality of Hell—Perspectives on Hell —The Limits That Free
      • Letters to the Editors
      • Helping People Grow Closer to the Lord God Jesus Christ in His Second Coming – Opening Assembly Address by the Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline
      • Before I Formed You – A sermon by the Rev. Dr. Andrew Dibb
      • Declarations of Faith and Purpose
      • Finding Satisfaction in Life – Two sermons by the Rev. Jeremy Simons
      • Introducing Our Ministers:The Rev. Dr. Thane Glenn
      • When I Fall, I Will Arise: A sermon by the Rev. Thane Glenn
      • Academy Commencement Address: Esther Yardumian-Smyth
      • The Uneasy Alliance of Faith and Doubt: The Rev. Brian D. Smith
      • A Challenge to Our Commitment to the Church: Al Lindsay
      • What Kind of a Person Do You Want to Be? Raymond David
      • Lifelong Learning: R. Scott Daum
      • Johnny Appleseed: Book Review by the Rev. Coleman Glenn
      • Book Review: True Christianity, Volume 2
    • May June 2011(PDF)
      Inside this issue:

      • 19th of June Message – Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline
      • New Church Day
      • The New Church Gift
      • Let’s Pretend
      • The New Church – A sermon by the Rev. Kurt Ho. Asplundh
      • Please Let Me Die – James B. deMaine, MD
      • A Response – Rev. Ethan D. McCardell
      • True Progress – John Pitcairn (1911)
      • Producing Spiritual Offspring: The Greatest Commission – Rev. Garry B. Walsh
      • The Golden Fruit of the Mountain – A parable by the Rev. Stephen D. Cole
      • Introducing Our Ministers: The Rev. James H. (Jay) Barry
      • Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life – A sermon by the Rev. Jay Barry
      • Why I Believe – Jennica S. Nobre
    • March/April 2011(PDF)
      Inside this issue:

      • A Report from the Bishop – Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline
      • Selecting an Executive Bishop – Rev. Grant Odhner
      • A Palm Sunday Sermon – Rev. Michael D. Gladish
      • The Easter Garden – Rev. David C. Roth
      • What Is Our Message? Part II – Rev. Derek P. Elphick
      • The Rule of 30 – Rev. James P. Cooper
      • Introducing Our Ministers: The Rev. Mark B. Allais
      • Be Still and Know That I Am God: A sermon by the Rev. Mark Allais
      • Meditate on the Word of God – Alanna Rose
      • What Shall I Render to The Lord? – John Parker
    • January/February 2011(PDF)

Inside this issue:

    • What is Our Message? — Rev. Derek Elphick
    • The Elements of the Holy Supper — Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline
    • Civil Responsibility — A sermon by the Rev. Robert Jungé
    • Introducing Our Ministers: The Rev. Coleman Glenn
    • Bitter Waters Made Sweet — A sermon by the Rev. Coleman Glenn
    • New Church Perspective — Rev. Brian Smith
    • Why I Believe in Organized Religion — Rev. Derrick Lumsden
    • Eldergarten 2011 — Bruce Henderson
    • General Church Survey Summary of Results — Alicia Simons
    • Report on the New Church Life Survey
    • Editorials: Do You See an Angel?; Where’s the Joy?; The Comic Side of Atheism; Why Do We Believe in God?
    • Book Reviews: Why Does God Let it Happen?; Swedenborg’s Garden of Verses; Principles in Play

Daily Inspiration

"Faith is the eye of love, since it is from love through faith that the Lord is seen, love being the life of faith."

Arcana Coelestia 3863.12