“Is depression a physical disease, or a spiritual ailment? Is there anything I can do to be freed from it?”
Why does a loving God permit evil?
When we are struggling in our lives or when tragedy occurs, we often wonder why God (who we are told is all-loving) would allow such things to happen? Rev. Ray Silverman explains why these events are not punishment, but do happen for a reason.
Stages of life
As children, we envy the freedom of adults. When we grow older, we long for our lost youth. But how often do we focus on the maturity of our spiritual lives instead of our earthly ones? John Odhner looks at the Lord’s presence with us throughout our entire lives, helping us see the best age is the one you are now.
Peace of a tooth
Sasha shares her story of trying to chase down peace in her life only to find it was there the whole time, she just needed to open herself up to it.
Is it all in God’s hands?
So often we can feel weighed down by horrible events in the world. Explore ways we can deal with these terrible situations around us.
When God seems silent
Why does God feel more distant from us when we are undergoing heavy life trials? The answer comes down to one word: love.
In God’s footsteps: an Easter message
What does it mean for us to “walk with Jesus?” Peter Buss, Jr. sheds light on this question, and shares his hopes for this Easter season with us.
Needs and deeds
As social creatures we require connection. Various relationships including friends and family help us in many ways – from ushering us through emotionally difficult times, to assisting us with a project around the house. Sasha asks us to focus on what we can do for those in our lives. Can we meet each other’s needs? Yes, in deed!
Creativity in spirituality
The Creator created us in His image, which means we are made to be creative. David Lindrooth explores what this means for our lives, and how we can tap into this sacred creativity.
8 Ways My Prayer Life Has Been Transformed
Wondering how to pray is common. Is there a set formula? What language should I use? Here are 8 different ideas to incorporate prayer into your life.